TV commentary:
Walking Dead- Wait, what did Aaron think Gamma was doing last week?
Like, didn't he watch her putting zombie guts in the water? Did he not warn Alexandria? They seems to be clueless all, "I wonder why everyone's getting sick?!"
Also, with Negan with the Whisperers now, are they going to have him chop her head off soon? Like on the one hand, I feel that would shock non-comics readers to not only kill off an interesting character, but have Negan do it. Like I think they're thinking killing her should go to someone like Carol.
On the other, I'd hate to see them drag out the Whisperer war for as long as they did the Savior war. Like they can't keep it in neutral for another season. Plus, Eugene's already talking to that lady from the Commonwealth. And I wanna say I heard they cast Princess already also? So this can't go on for too much longer.
His Dark Materials- Heh, I wonder if I had never watched Luther if I would think Marisa is as sinister as she seems.
I mean, she's obviously shady, but because of her previous role as Alice, her smile just seems like she's ready to cut your throat or something and enjoy watching you bleed out. So to me she seems totally untrustworthy, but I wonder if its supposed to be more up in the air for Lyra?
Black Lightning- Heh, he really didn't know?
Like he really had to run a program to determine who could be Blackbird? I mean, to be fair, there were a few matches, and once he saw Anissa, he was all, "Oh, it must be her, duh!" Lucky for her she has a shapeshifting girlfriend so she can be two places at once.
But, does Anissa not know what Khalil looks like? Was it too dark, and the sunglasses fooled her?
The Mandalorian- Pretty good so far. I can't wait until the next ep!
NCIS- Are you kidding me with this episode?
So Torres is dating an older woman whom he finds out has a grown up, super-marine son. Dude ends up asking out Ellie when he meets Torres, and they accidentally end up on a double date when they both go to the same restaurant.
Dinner is totally awkward, and Torres' gf ends up dumping him when she sees the obvious chemistry between Ellick.
But seriously, Ellie is all, "why would you mess with my love life?" and he claims he's just overprotective, because she's like a sister to him? Stop being morons!
Riverdale- Heh, what even is this show?!
So apparently Charles has been working with Chick this whole time, the two of them being lovers? And did they really get Crashdown just to have him kill himself this ep?
Interesting though, who beat up Dodger? Archie actually asks Hiram for help after Dodger shoots up his house and almost hurting his mom, but Hiram said he's not going to do anything illegal for him. But someone kicked the crap out of him. Reggie? Munroe?