(no subject)

May 07, 2019 08:51

TV commentary:

Game of Thrones- Really, show? You really gonna be killing off Missandei?! I mean, she and Grey Worm jinxed themselves by making those plans before the Battle of Wintefell, but still. I was hoping they'd go against the trope.

It is annoying how things are working out for Cersei. She correctly held back her troops and reinforced her position while Dany got her forces cut up by the White Walkers. And now Dany has only one dragon left now. I'm not sure how she's going to win. Particularly with her starting to go all crazy- between this and her fear that Jon will oust her, it seems her side is in trouble.

It is hilarious that she tells Jon not to tell anyone, because then all the people who like him better will push for him to oust her. But he does it anyways, and guess what happens. Heh, Sansa didn't even wait 5 minutes to say anything.

Supergirl- Heh, kinda inappropes, Alex. Like I get the scene was getting Alex to learn James' sister was a lesbian. But Kelly was telling a story of her dead fiancee! Meanwhile Alex is like hearing the story, hears the fiancee was a woman, and her like ears perk up all, "Ooh, you're gay too!" Not the time!

And hey, glad to see Agent Liberty's son didn't go the same route as him. After making amends with his friend, I was worried his mom getting killed would put him back on the evil path. But nope, he blames his dad and his crusade for her death.

And seriously, Kara was able to reveal her secret, but then thinks better of it because just as she's about to, Lena talks about how seriously betrayed she felt from Eve, and how she can't take anymore lies. Kara tells Jimmy later that she will tell Lena, after Lex is jailed. Which means Lena is totally finding out before the end of her season before Kara tells her, just to up the angst.

game of thrones, supergirl, tv

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