(no subject)

Apr 11, 2018 09:35

TV commentary:

Flash- Talk about tiny! I mean, it wasn't noticeable until the last robbery scene, but that Null chick is short! Google says she's 5'2", but yeah, standing in the middle of the crowd at the party, she looked like a midget.

I thought the Marlize storyline was pretty neat. Like I did find it weird/suspicious that the chair was already being worked on, because Devoe totally sound like he was lying when she asked about it. Which speaking of, I find it hilarious that Izzy-Devoe still speaks in a Southern accent. Like, I'm not sure it works like that! Plus, the actress is Canadian, so its a conscious choice to have the Devoe-possessed her to talk like that. But I digress.

I liked the reveal, Marlize finds out she's being mind controlled, and secretly makes an encrypted video file to warn herself. Only when she does it this time, the computer tells her there's already a file on the computer with that name. And sure enough, she's done this before. Its a nice touch that she would name the file the same thing each time.

But yeah, Devoe tells her they've been through this many times before, and he keeps wiping her memory. And so he does it again, and we get a repeat of the initial scene. Which is interesting. In the first time through he says he can only sustain himself in Izzy's body for another week. Time passed in the ep, it took a while for team Flash to catch Null. So I was thinking he would change the amount of time he has left, but he didn't. So is he lying about how long he actually has?

Black Lightning- Getting close to the end. Interesting, Khalil is back, walking and sporting dreads. Apparently Proctor did this as a favor to Tobias. But, its not for free of course. They need to capture Black Lightning- capture, not kill, to Tobias chagrin.

I can't believe Jennifer was happy to see Khalil's dumb ass after the way he treated her. Also, in the chaos of the fight at the school, I wonder if she knows it was Khalil who almost killed her dad? Jeff's daughters showed up after he was already down. I mean, Anissa can definitely assume, but I guess Jennifer might not know all the facts.

But yeah, Tobias and crew go after the school, because they figure, if its one thing Black Lightning cares about, its the children, so might as well go straight to the source. Anissa fights Syonide, and I guess she dind't know Thunder is bulletproof? She did spot a weakness though. I'm curious though, is the breathing thing necessary for all of Anissa's powers, or just her strength? Because if she has to hold her breath or whatever to protect herself from bullets, that is quite the vulnerability.

But yeah, during the fight, Syonide notices the breathing techniques and sucker punches Anissa in the middle of one. Anissa manages to still win though. (Looking it up, it looks like the breathing thing is just for the strength, and she is invulnerable without having to do that)

That leaves Jefferson and Khalil to take on Jefferon. Khalil manages to tag Black Lightning with a poison dart, which seems to affect Jefferson's powers. Tobias takes advantage of this to grab hold of him, setting up Khalil to do a heart punch, which accidentally kills him. Anissa shows up before Tobias can unmask Jefferson. They run off, but luckily, Jennifer happens along as well, and in their freaking out, Jen shocks her dad, which Gambi sees does seem to affect Jefferson's vitals. So Anissa has her sister shock him again, bringing their dad back to life.

The girls abscond with their father, and Gambi takes the whole family to a cabin in the woods that should be protected from surveillance. But, he tells Jennifer to destroy all their cellphones, but since we don't actually see her do that, I'm worried she stupidly didn't destroy her own and will try to contact Khalil or something, getting them found.

Also, its kinda crazy that Tobias and the ASA had no idea of Jefferson's fate. Like Tobias wouldn't know, but the ASA doesn't have people and surveillance to see the girls at least leave with Black Lightning?

Rise- Its weird/annoying that this show has a youtube mini-series going on covering the non principal student cast, because other than Barb from Stranger Things, its like, who are all these other kids? I mean, I guess there are so many characters already there's no room for them on the main show, but they can't at least let us know who they are?

Heh, Mr Mazzu can be such a dick sometimes. So the orchestra isn't great right now, which is a little frustrating to Lou. So in his usual headstrong thinks he knows everything self, he interrupts the music director and tries to be all cool, like, "go faster with the tempo, but don't worry and just have fun!" and coaxes a better performance out of them. So he's all proud of himself.

Of course, later, the music director almost quits, telling Lou he may have thought he did good, but he made one of the girls cry. That, and he totally undermined the director. The director guy tells Lou he's been trying to teach the kids discipline, to work together, because a lot of them think they're the next big thing and go all out and he needs to reign them in. And Lou undermined that. Mazzu apologizes profusely, and he's lucky Tracey was all busy with the Andy situation, because man would she have been on his ass for almost losing the music director.

Which speaking of, since Tracey's whole life has revolved around teaching and the students, this whole dating thing is new to her. Hilariously, she wonders if Andy's whole luminous comment was like a line he tells all the girls, like he's some sorta player or something. I half expected him to make a comment, but he merely tells Tracey of course he meant it, he's never said anything like that to anyone his whole life! So she's giddy as a schoolgirl.

Getting back to Mazzu though- Masshous tells Lou about a student, Sandeep, who's actually a good guitar player. He just likes to lay low because he wears a turban and doesn't want to get picked on. So of course Lou is going to be all, "Well, you should join our show and shine a big spotlight on yourself!"

But Lou is getting better. So turns out Gordy had been picked up by Gwen, who took him to her house to sleep it off, since he didn't want to go home. The Coach calls Lou and tells him where his on is, and when they get their, Gail totally lays into Gordy. It is a big deal she tells him, they were worried he could've been dead. This does seem to get through to Gordy a little.

Lou talks with the coach all, what exactly is he doing for Gordy? And the Coach says he's just giving him a safe space, and tells Lou that kids slip up sometimes. So Lou tells Strickland about his dad, and the Coach is all, have you told Gordy about this. Lou says no, he wanted to protect his kids, and Coach is all, "Why?!" Kids are stronger than Mazzu thinks, he says. So he recommends Lou tell Gordy about it, to be up front and honest about it.

Because yeah, Lou and Gail are all worried because of Lou's dad. But Gordy has no idea that that's why the situation freaks them out, and it may seem like an overreaction. Plus, knowing he has a disease might help him better understand what he's going through and getting better. And so Lou does tell his son, and hopefully he will improve.

Of course, the problem is, Coach and his wife just announced to Gwen they're getting a divorce. So Gwen is on a downward spiral, but also getting closer to Gordy since they've seen each other in a bad situation (Gail laying into Gordy over the drinking, Gwen begging her dad to stay). So her need to act out might not be good for Gordy.

Speaking of relationships, Lilette and Robbie's hits a snag. So Lilette's mom tells her to be careful, guys like Robbie and girls like her normally don't mix. Added to that is Robbie's dad continuing to gaslight her, and so Robbie comes off as a little judgmental when he goes to see her the next morning. Especially with the awkwardness of Vanessa being openly sexually harassed at work. So Lilette gets angry at Robbie for that, and the fact that his dad was acting like she wasn't good enough. Heh, she's also, who is he to judge, he left his sick wife for a younger woman!

So thinks are awkward, its affecting the play. Lilette tells her mom she was right, they don't get guys like that. Her mom tells her she deserves the best, but Lilette tells her, she should think that about herself too, and not let her boss do what he does to her.

Anyways, Robbie apologizes to Lilette and tells her he really likes her, and that yeah, his dad can be kinda a dick. They can continue to just be co-stars, but he's hoping they could be more. And with that, they're back together, and they're bring that passion to rehearsals.

Lilette gave her mom some good advice, but acting on it might cause big trouble- Vanessa finally stands up for herself, but her boss will not be dissuaded. So she ends up beating the guy up, so they might both be fired now.

Oh, and Simon is miserable at his new school, not even going out for musicals there. After visiting Stanton High and his friends though, he decides to tell his parents he wants to go back. Its not too late to get a full tuition refund. His dad says no way, but his mom finally stands up for him too. She tells him changing schools over a play is a bit much. So she tells him, if he can give a reasonable explanation of his problem with Spring Awakening, they'll let it go. But he can't, and is all if Simon wants to go back to Stanton, he can then. And so he does!

flash, tv, black lightning, rise

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