TV commentary:
Black Lightning- Talk about a misstep by the baddies!
So Black Lightning and Thunder are wrecking ASA shit trying to find those missing kids. So Kara's ASA handlers order her to get Jefferson arrested. And so she bribes the chief and one of those crooked detectives to plant Green Light in Pierce's car so they can arrest him.
And they do, and Jefferson has to talk his students, as well as his daughters, down. They have to let it play out and not risk getting hurt or killed. After his arrest, the police get orders from on high to have him transferred to federal custody for mysterious national security issues. Which obviously a ploy by the ASA to get their hands on him.
So Gambi and Anissa use holographic trickery and a remote controlled van to show people Black Lightning is out there. Not that most people understand the significance of this, since Jefferson was arrested for dealing drugs, not for being suspected of being Black Lightning.
But Kara now thinks they have the wrong man, so she tells her handlers to free him since he's innocent. However, they tell her its none of her concern- they don't need him anymore, but what do they care if some random guy goes to prison for a crime he didn't commit
But like I said, they overplayed their hand. Because Jefferson is well respected in the community, Henderson will not let this injustice stand. And so he finally does take a stand against corruption, gets the one detective by finding a money trail, and flipping him on the chief. So the chief is arrested, and Henderson is now the chief.
So not only do they not have Black Lightning, their shenanigans have cost them their police department assets!
Other stuff- there's a thing about how having to constantly move the pods around due to Black Lightning and Thunder searching for them was hurting the integrity of the stasis process, and indeed, one of the subjects dies. It was such a random scene to have though, because it didn't even involve any of the principal cast, or even Kara, so this must mean something later. Like maybe she's not really dead, so now that she's out of stasis, she'll wake up and escape, but her powers will start to cause havoc.