Another trophy I haven't gotten in Superhot yet is the one for killing 1987 guys in endless mode. I guess that makes sense, there's nine arenas, and you unlock all the modes for each arena after you've killed 150 total in that arena. So to be efficient, when I unlocked the 20 kills challenge for a board, I switched to that to get the next 50 kills to unlock the 20 seconds mode, and then that one to unlock the minute mode.
So, really, I had really done a tad over what was required, so at least 1350. So been working on getting to 1987:
Endless Lobby:
Click to view
Endless Bridge:
Click to view
Endless Break In:
Click to view
Endless Warehouse Click to view
Those are about 40-50 kills each, so I'm prolly around 1500, just another 487 to go!
But yeah, as much as I loathe hot-switching, I've learned to recognize when I'm totally effed and have no choice to but to body jump. That and constantly having to scan around for enemies to make sure I don't get shot in the back (or snuck up on! Its like how the eff did they get that close?!)
Also been playing Tekken to get everyone up to genbu rank so if they equip the beastly horn it will be in its final form. It ends up being roughly about 150 wins to get there, working on Josie right now. Flip pride!
She's a bit of an odd duck. First off, she's Filipino, but her fighting style isn't really like actual Filipino martial arts. Then again, those mostly involve stick and knife fighting, and whatever empty hand techniques they have involve totally wrecking an opponent- joint breaks and the like. Of course, Yoshimitsu and Master Raven use swords, so it should be fair game.
But yeah, its weird because her style is basically kickboxing, which is covered by a several other characters. And her personality... like one of her win poses is her being all, "Whew, I can't believe I managed to win!" and then start crying. WTF?!