TV commentary:
Wynonna Earp- Man, sometimes people just piss me off.
Did Waverly eff up by kissing Rosita? Yes, but geez, the way people talk you'd think she was having wild sex orgies with any chick or dude who would have her. She was upset about Nicole invading her privacy under the guise or protecting her, she was freaking out about possibly being half revenant, she was drunk and bonding with Rosita over their shared love troubles. So they shared a quick kiss, which they regretted immediately, and after they said they still were in love with their SOs and Rosita told Waverly to immediately go to Nicole and clear everything up.
Like cheating is bad, but it annoys me when people are so black and white about it that they'll curse someone forever for betraying their SO like that. They didn't get very far, regretted it almost immediately, and not once did they talk about covering it up. That should not be considered equal in severity with someone actually sleeping with someone else and lying about it.
I get LGBTQ viewers feel burned and don't trust shows because of last year, but geez, its gotten to the point where they freak out over normal plotting. Couples have fights, shows have to have drama. People are so quick to call for boycotts and rudely attack the actresses/writers/showrunners on social media. And they try to act all high and mighty about it. Like someone telling the showrunner, "Waverly kissing Rosita is perpetuating the stereotype that bisexuals are promiscuous/cheaters!" One, Waverly was hardly being promiscuous, two, we don't know for sure Waverly is bi. She dated Champ, and while she is dating Nicole now, we don't know if she's still fine with dating either gender, or if she's switched to girls.
And its like, if that's how they're defining bi, then the fact that Rosita is dating Doc, and wasn't averse to Waverly's kiss makes her bi. How come no one is saying she's perpetuating a negative bi stereotype? But yeah, this whole plot has been done time and again, and if Nicole and Rosita were dudes and Waverly did what she did, no one would bat an eye, they wouldn't be all, "that's portraying straight woman is promiscuous cheaters!" I swear people just want to be miserable and stir up shit and make everything joyless.
Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later- I enjoyed this, though I was disappointed in the ending.
I mean, I was amused by the absurdness of it all, how Reagan and Bush were just trying to teach the campers a lesson, and everyone pointing out all the holes in the story. But then I guess that last scenes implied Cooper took "artistic license" to make for a more interesting story. Like Mitch is not a can of vegetables in the end, so that seems to indicate it wasn't just the reunion that was a sham, but the whole story over all.
And that just seems sad if none of it ended up being real.
Orphan Black- Ooh, PT is freaking evil.
So Coady didn't want Gracie to die (indeed, Mark didn't know anything happened to her), but PT had Engers kill her anyways? Why? Because they've already gotten what they needed from the Castors. And by killing Gracie, and irreparable wedge would be driven between him and Coady if he found out. So PT engineered this so Coady would be forced to put Mark down.
At least he got a peaceful death- Coady claims she's giving him the cure, and as he starts to lose consciousness (and die!) she's all, "Oh, drowsiness is part of the treatment, when you wake up you'll be closer to Gracie!"
Anyways, with the stuff S leaked to the public, PT and what loyal followers he has left (like Engers, Coady, and that one dude who's Ryo's advisor on Dark Matter) are taking out the board. Most likely before the board can do that to him. Engers also starts to gaslight Art for the investigation spring up from all these reveals.
Art takes out Frontenac before he can kill the board's money guy. But since money guy doesn't know where PT is, and Frontenac dead, Sarah pretends to be Rachel and serves herself up as bait to be captured by Engers. Art follows her, and the gang figures out PT is hiding in the old wing of DYAD where Scott and Cosima used to work. Which is bold given the investigation going on, but I guess he took a page out of the Hobbits' handbook. No one would expect him to be that close to the very investigation looking for him!
Anyways, since it is familiar territory, Hell Wizard sneaks Scott in so he can let Art in. And Art's all ready to end this, so he might very well die next ep fighting Engers and other PT loyalists. Also, its good Sarah showed up- she makes a mistake, calling PT "father" while pretending to be Rachel, thinking Rachel's daddy issues are what caused her to initially fall in with Westmoreland. So PT figures it out, but before he can put a bullet in her head after she tried to slit his throat, Coady says they need her for a transfusion.
Why? Because Helena tried to commit suicide to prevent her babies from getting into PT's hands. I can't believe people thought Helena was going to die. Yes, they killed Mrs S last ep, and there's prolly death coming in the finale, I doubt the show would have that be Helena's end. Suicide and killing her babies to keep them from PT is a little too dark.
In the end, like I said, Art's in the building, most likely about to face a final confrontation, Scott and Hell Wizard are still closeby, and after Helena gets a transfusion from Sarah, she manages to get the jump on Coady and smash her face in. Too bad her water broke as she and Sarah were trying to escape.