TV commentary:
GLOW- Finally finished this up. I enjoyed it, it was a fun and compelling ride, with some good ups and downs, some nice twists and turns.
You know, part of me thought Justine might have been Sam's secret daughter earlier in the series, but the thought was fleeting. But she is, and the way he found out cracked me up. Also, that the big movie he was wanting to make was like Back to the Future.
But heh, I was wondering about Bash's mom's fundraiser. I was thinking, wait, if these people find out their money wasn't really going towards ex-crackheads' rehabilitation, wouldn't they take issue? But sure enough, Bash's mom wouldn't let him take the money, and instead was inspired by Ruth's speech to give her son a venue.
Though I really am curious if the Debbie thing had been planned from the start. I mean, its reasonable to think she would want to try to get back with her husband, albeit disappointing she would choose him over wrestling. But, since she had her costume under her outfit, that had to be planned from the start. For one, admitting she actually enjoyed the wrestling did make me think it was weird she would forgo all that for that schlub. Secondly, I would think if Ruth had to talk her into it, they would've shown that.
Though, the scene at the motel, who were they playing to but the TV audience? The only other people present were the other girls, and why would they need to be fooled?
I did like the double twist though. Debbie comes out of the audience to beat Ruth. But then Sam has Tamee ambush Ruth and steal the crown at the end. Quick aside, so Tamee is played by Kia Stevens, who was Kharma in the WWE, but who I know as Awesome Kong. I mean, I guess its been several years, but she looks totally different to me. But I digress, the twist was good. It would've been cool to have Debbie win and end the season on that note, but as Sam said, that's kinda prosaic.
And who's going to watch if the All American girl already has the crown? The excitement is in the chase, so it makes sense to have Liberty Belle trying to win the title. Although even that's a little weird, because that implies Welfare Queen is the bad guy, when her whole speech after ambushing Liberty Belle was social justice commentary calling out the hypocrisy of the people cheering blond miss America on.
The only real complaints I've heard about this series, which I've heard people say about OitNB is too much focus on the "main" characters (Ruth and Debbie) and not enough on the "more interesting" side characters. Which, I have to disagree with a little. While I do think there was a lot of focus on the, I don't think they were overly focused on. There was a lot of time spent on their drama, 1) what do you expect, that was one of the bigger obstacles in making the upcoming show work, getting them to work together, and 2) there was still lots of other stuff happening besides that. All of Sam's stuff, Bash's money issues, Carmen's family not wanting her to go into the business and getting stage fright, etc.
Now, if this show goes into the second season, I would hope they would delve into more of the other girls now that Ruth and Debbie aren't exactly best friends again, but in a somewhat okay place. Like with Arthie lamenting how those people in the audience like, really hated her. Sam was telling her, Jenny, Cherry, and Tamee that those stereotypes they were playing were calling out those stereotypes. But are they? I mean, all they're doing is saying, "Here's a crazy racist stereotype!" but doesn't really do anything to tell the audience, this is wrong to think of these people only like that.
And there's Cherry getting that part in a TV show. Its interesting, because if it were Debbie (or even Ruth) in that situation, the obvious narrative would be for her to realize how much she would be happier wrestling. Choosing sisterhood over fame and riches. But for Cherry, who has been in the business prolly as long as Ruth or Debbie, maybe even longer, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for her. And at that time there were no black female leads on a prime time scripted drama.
Like its one thing for Ruth not to get roles because she's not blond (and somehow) not big breasted enough like Debbie. (Which its interesting that Alison Brie's breasts aren't as big as one would expect, while I have never noticed Betty Gilpin was that stacked) But Cherry is in the same boat as Ruth, with slight variations. Now, for all that talk of Ruth being plain, she still has a leg up on Cherry, who has been searching just as hard and long but only getting stunt roles.
So if there is another season, I would hope they'd focus on issues like that and not rehash some sort of Debbie/Ruth conflict. I mean, we could see them on the road to becoming friends again, but I don't want to see them regress over stupid bullshit.
Oh, its interesting that the creators actually never saw GLOW growing up, didn't know that was a thing. Its only after they saw some old documentary on the series that they got the idea. I saw some of the show when I was a kid, I dunno on what channel. I don't know if
isabel79 remembers, but one of the few moments I remember was Mt Fiji (who I think Macchu Picchu is sorta based on) doing a side which started with her chanting, "pi pi pi pi pi" over and over. And it was kinda like the first time hearing "What Does the Fox Say" and Ylvis starts spouting nonsense guesses at what a Fox sounds likes that's so weird and absurd you can't help but crack up the first time.