TV commentary:
The Originals- Forgot to comment on this.
So Sofya does have history with Klaus, apparently he slaughter her family on her sister's wedding day.
And it sounds like the Hallow is wanting to kill powerful beings like Klaus and Marcel to power a spell to resurrect itself. So right now, its trying to make a deal with Elijah to get Marcel and Vincent, and it will leave the Mikaelsons alone. Interesting though, it looks like it needs some bones to complete the rez spell. Hayley finds one of them- apparently her parents died hiding it from the Hallow's agents.
But another is apparently Papa Tunde's blade. Which gets stolen from the Mikaelsons.
Pretty Little Liars- Gross.
I get why they killed off Yvonne, got to free Toby to get back with Spencer. But the fact that the creator said it was a "beautiful" send off on twitter is weird.
The Flash- Well, at least now we know.
Savitar said it himself, he is "the future Flash". But they kept thinking he was saying he was "the future, Flash". Still not sure why that would immediately make Caitlin follow him.
But hey, its CTB! I've always liked her.
The Americans- Heh, long time no see.
Looks like Phillip is still working Kimberly. But geez, he was right to tell priest guy he has too much going on. I mean, how do they have time for all these operations?
Like they missed Tuan sneaking off when they're not around to supposedly contact his old foster family since a former sibling has leukemia. And they're blind sided when Henry wants to go to some fancy boarding school. What's hilarious is he's proving to be a better candidate for spy work than Paige ever was. He's apparently really smart, has managed to hide all this stuff from his parents, and now he wants to go to a school where senators' children go. Like if the Centre knew all this stuff, they probably would definitely want Henry in there, making contacts.
Prison Break- Is this a clever ruse?
So turns out Jacob isn't Poseidon. He tracked down the people hunting Sara through the phone, and ostensibly met with them to try and cut a deal. But then he slipped a tracker on them so the cops could arrest them. I mean, on the one hand, him being the bad guy is cliche. On the other, this is all too convenient and seems rather fishy to me.
Arrow- Heh, I'm glad they brought that up!
Lyla calls Digg out on him being all judge-y when he's a vigilante. Still, she doesn't make a great case for herself when it turns out she had secretly stolen Curtis' tech for Argus. But hey, they improved upon it!
Criminal Minds- Clever boy.
So Reid shivs himself and makes it look like Shaw did it in order to get put in protective custody. Shaw tries to be all, "I own this prison, I can get you anywhere!" But luckily the gang is able to prove Reid was framed and get him out. And Alvez makes good on his threat to Shaw by having him transferred to a prison with a heavy Bratva presence, since they're not too keen on him.
We do find out what's up with Lindsay. Turns out she quit witsec once she was of age and has been a hitman ever since. And she's not working with Scratch, she's working with Cat Adams. Its a little confusing when Cat says she was posing as Scratch. Was that just for the whole Reid thing, but Scratch really did go after Hotch? Or was she the mastermind of everything?
In any case, looks like Reid has to match wits with her again to save his mom.
The 100- Wow, talk about a culling. Also, what the shit, Clarke?
So Illidan joins the competition, as does Luna. Heh, Luna is fighting to make sure no one gets the bunker. Illidan is killed in the competition by Echo, but turns out she was cheating on her own. Roan had no idea she was going to do that. And so he banishes her. Heh, he's all, she stains their honor, but is willing to overlook the fact she already took out at least two competitors for him.
But yeah, Echo kills Roan, but Octavia kills Echo to win it all. But she didn't just do it For Skaikru! She says everyone will have a place in the bunker.
Too bad Clarke had her people secretly sneak into the bunker and take it (which, how the eff did they sneak all those people in without anyone knowing?) So the Grounders, along with Kane and Octavia find themselves locked out.
Which, again, wtf?! Clarke putting her people above everyone else, sure. But why the hell would she hang Kane and Octavia out to dry!? That makes no sense for her character.