(no subject)

Apr 17, 2017 10:21

TV commentary:

The Leftovers- Wow, that season premiere was definitely unexpected and kinda bonkers! So Evie asks (well, writes) Meg, what's next, and she only responds with a story about Siegfried and Roy and no matter how well trained those tigers were, eventually they're going to rip your face off. And then they see a hole drilled in the wall and a fiber optic camera inserted inside.

Evie goes outside to investigate, and sees a whole bunch of responders high tailing it out of there. Why? Because the government has had enough of their shit and launched a freaking drone strike against them. So so much for the Guilty Remnant! (Officially, there was a gas leak in the visitor's center, which was set off by one of the GR lighting a cigarette)

Anyways, we get a three year time jump, and things are normal, yet kinda crazy different. I mean, Kevin is sheriff now, and Tom is one of his deputies. Kevin is still with Nora and she's back with the DSD. Mary is up and about like normal, and she's had the kid, and Matt props them up as a miracle. Micheal is his.. helper? Which, up until that point, everything seems normal. But some time in between then, Laurie married John, and they run a scam where he pretends to be psychic, using an earwig she's on the other end of, and she's using a laptop to find info on these clients. But apparently its not for the money- John shreds the money. I guess its about re-assuring people who need help? Kevin is apparently aware of this situation, and doesn't care?

And at some point during the time jump, Lily was no longer with the fam. I guess that's a mystery we'll learn more about later.

But yeah, the 7th anniversary of the disappearance is coming up, and people are in a tizzy, since they think 7 means something. Heh, Matt isn't spouting any sort of prophecy overtly. But his whole, "Nothing is prolly going to happen, but we should be prepared!" is kinda building things up without him saying anything definite.

And Mary is not too pleased in her marriage, since Matt won't let her leave town, thinking she'll slip back into a coma if she leaves. So she's leaving him, though we don't actually see her leave yet, to know if there's truth to his worry.

Kevin has a close call with the Dean guy, who apparently finally followed Kevin back to Jarden. Dean is all, "Dogs have taken human form and are infiltrating the government!" Kevin laughs him off as crazy, so Dean comes after him with his rifle later, and has Kevin dead to rights until Tom blows Dean's head off.

And this was right after some protestors "poisoned" the stream, saying they know about the GR coverup. But Kevin dives into the water and says its a hoax. Because, you know, he doesn't care because he can't die. Indeed, he's been committing suicide (and possibly traveling back to that hotel?) and coming back. So he's flaunting death, even without trying.

So apparently Matt's been writing a book on him (Mary tells Kevin about it when she tells Kevin she's leaving Matt) Kevin is understandably angry, but Matt, Michael, and John are all, "Dude, you came back from the dead multiple times!" Although they preface it with in Jarden, which is something I didn't even think of- I just assumed he was immortal, period. I didn't think it might be a caveat where it's only in town.

Matt gives him the manuscript, saying he trusts Kevin will do the right thing. I figured he would just burn it, and he's about to, only he's distracted by skywriting announcing the anniversary will be in 13 days.

But yeah, cut to... a flash forward? A nun talks to a figure, asking if the name Kevin means anything to her. And the person responds no, and its a weathered Nora. Guess we'll find out what happens between now and then.

OUAT- Heh, interesting retcon. So Snow and Charming actually woke up early during the curse times. Mary Margret had bumped into Regina, ruining the flower she was taking to "John Doe". She spotted a weird flower by the side of the road, and picked it, and turned out it was a pixie flower. So when she took it to David, he woke up. Now remember, since he was at the brink of death when the curse was cast, he had his memories.

So he is able to convince Snow of who she is, and they try to cook up a plan to find Emma. David goes to Gold, and it turns out he was affected by the curse. He only remembers once David mentions Emma's name. I guess they're saying that was a trigger for him to wake up?

In any case, he tells the Charmings if they find and get Emma, she won't grow up to be the savior and save the rest of the town. So they're just about to use the pixie dust to open a door to get to her, but then Snow says they can't put their happiness over the rest of the town. And so they close the door, and take a memory potion to forget everything and get back to the status quo.

Which has me wondering, did Gold forget too, or was he awake from that point on?

Anyways, because of this act, it gives Regina an idea on how to break the sleeping curse. (Which both David and Snow were now both under because her first attempt to cure the Charmings ended up weakening their heart enough that now both of them succumbed to the curse) She implores the town people, telling about how Snow and David gave up everything to save them, and now they have a chance to repay the favor. The curse was made for one heart- it affected the Charmings because of their shared heart. So the idea is to overwhelm the curse. If everyone takes it, it just might dilute the power enough, spread amongst so many people to break it. And so the townspeople agree, and David and Snow are awake.

Back in Neverland, Tiger Lily rescues Hook, but only to get him to take a piece of the wand that was used to banish the Black Fairy to the Savior. Well, before she tells him that, he's all, "I need to get back to the woman I love!" and Tiger Lily is skeptical he could love anyone. Eventually they realize they're talking about the same person and they work together. Hook is unable to escape, but he is able to cut his own shadow to deliver the wand to Emma.

Now, getting back to the pixie flowers- turns out the grow in the presence of great evil. So David recognizes the petals blowing in the wind in the background in Snow's video message to him. They realize if those flowers are growing again, it must mean the Black Fairy is in town. So they switch places since Snow's the better tracker and find a large patch.

Only the Black Fairy is there already, and she has Gideon destroy them. Only he leaves one (more on that later). They had to choose between using it to save Hook (since the pixie dust potion can reunite anyone with their true love) or break the curse. Since Hook seemed in danger, it was deemed they should use the flower to rescue him, and just figure out another way to break the sleeping curse later (which they did!)

Emma opens a portal to Neverland and rescues him, he proposes, then the sleeping curse is broken and David forgives Hook.

Other stuff, turns out Tiger Lily used to be a fairy, one who was friends with the Black Fairy. She blames herself for the Black Fairy's evil, thinking she knew her friend was headed down a dark path and didn't do enough to try and save her. So when the Black Fairy was banished, Tiger Lily exiled herself to Neverland. For some reason, she didn't dive through the door with Emma and Hook, but hopefully this isn't the last we've seen of her.

Also, Rumpel figures out Gideon is only following the Black Fairy (who wants Rumpel to join her) because his mom took his son's heart. So he vows to get it back, taunting her with the fact that she doesn't have total control over Gideon since he left behind one of the flowers.

Doctor Who- That was one of the better companion intros in a while. Bill has the makings of a good companion. I like how the Doctor was about to make her forget about everything she'd seen. But then she's all, "How would you feel if someone did that to you?" And so, he relents, because Clara did that to him.

Interesting though, the Doctor had grown fond of her after letting her audit his classes, because it was obvious she relished mysteries and discovering the unknown. I wonder if him inviting her along was just that, or because the pictures of River and his granddaughter made him think its time for him to take on a companion again. Or since she got a taste of adventure, he was worried she'd go back to Heather and take her up on the offer to travel the 'verse. So the Doctor offered himself up as an alternative.

once upon a time, the leftovers, tv, doctor who

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