TV commentary:
Powers- Heh, that was an amusing touch.
So the show seems to be playing the whole us vs them mentality when it comes to powers and non-powers, as well as equating powers with celebrity. Like its kinda hilarious that they have PR teams. But heh, even though Zora has that and seeks to be famous, she's actually uncomfortable when the press is on her and she's kinda awkward and camera shy. Despite that though, it doesn't stop the press from fawning over her, particularly after Wolfe's defeat.
First, massive balls on her that she was willing to march into the shaft alone and try and take him on. And ha, she gets credit for the takedown because everyone was knocked out. Awesome that from her just confusedly trying to recount events all, "I hit Wolfe and he went down" to the press, they ran with it and started saying she was the one who defeated Wolfe (well, with the help of the new nullifiers)
And its funny, because all the news clips we see, she's not actually in any of them, perpetuating the lie. Its like the story takes on a mind of its own. And like I said, nice touch with the enmity between the power and non-powers, with Walker's ex-partner's son all, "What a bitch, she's so full of herself!" at the TV, when she didn't actually say anything!
Also, what's with young(er) Retro Girl looking like herself, but Walker and Johnny having different actors playing them. I mean, I know in the comics, she's been around for a long time (which, interesting, wasn't Walker also supposed to be around for a long time? Heh, a whole lot longer time), but I don't recall if they made it that clear on the TV shows, which I think would confuse viewers.
Agents of SHIELD- Heh, that was kinda hilarious.
Did Talbot really pull a Larry David trying to figure out who Agent 33 was? And that does seem quite foolish that he only set aside the women, as we saw, why didn't he set aside the smaller men? But what's up with Agent 33's Ward obsession? Kinda weird!
Anyways, so this other SHIELD are high ranking members of the old SHIELD who weren't affiliated with Hydra and didn't approve of Fury? Like when he died and Hydra destroyed the old SHIELD, they decided to make their own group, not knowing Nick still lived and basically gave Coulson the keys to the city?
Well, I guess they kinda knew Coulson was heir to the throne, but to them he's just more of the same. They didn't like Fury working with powers instead of locking them up, and Coulson is doing the same. So they want to usurp him and lock Skye up.
The thing I'm skeptical about though is, why is Bobbi with them? Like Mack is no surprise, his feelings on the subject are no secret. But Bobbi doesn't seem to be as on board with things as they do- I mean, there's definitely disagreement there. Or maybe that's going to be a key plot point.