TV commentary:
Suits- Ha, was this ep just trying to take advantage of the 10pm time slot?
Its like, could they say "shit" any more times? I do like they're making Katrina a more sympathetic character and show us actually being able to work with the gang and be useful without trying to screw anyone over. But to ease the worries of the Mike/Rachel fans they do have him tell Rachel he loves her and wants to be open about their relaionship when she starts worrying the newfound mutual respect Mike and Katrina have developed might go that former enemies become lovers path.
Speaking of Rachel, one of my favorite parts of this show is the Rachel and Donna friendship, mostly because its them joking around and looking hot and making the occasional lesbian innuendo comment. Donna spends the ep being wooed (successfully) by British Harvey. When Rachel asks if she's worried what Harvey will think about this, Donna is dumbfounded that she forgot to actually consider Harvey and how this may open up a whole can or worms given their weird nebulous relationship. She tries to tell him, but then ends up chickening out.
One of my least favorite parts is how everything always gets fucked up because of pride and assumption. These characters are always so friggin sure they're right that they will go for the jugular to win, burning bridges and creating even worse conflicts for themselves, or fall right into a trap.
So Harvey is in charge of Kat Stark's murder trial, but Louis is in charge of preventing the takeover of her company. Louis wants Eva to talk, say something, to prove she's still in control and keep confidence in the company. But, they all think she's guilty, so Harvey thinks this move will look her incredibly guilty and refuses to let her talk. Plan B is to oust her, but that's also out of the question. So, they get Mike and Katrina working together, and she does the make a random comment thing that totally inspires Mike- they were trying to prove that other company taking over will give them an oil monopoly. But, they were looking in the wrong place, both companies have holdings that would give the company trying to takeover monopolies in other areas.
Katrina gives credit where credit is due and insists Louis bring Mike when he goes to the company. That way, Mike will feel he's getting his due, and will be blown away by Louis' success. Louis is about to do it, when Harvey shows up and insists he brings Mike along. So, of course, now that Harvey wants it, Louis refuses out of spite. But it ends up being a good thing since Louis actually ends up getting soundly defeated- he shows the hostile company his cards, and when they say, they've already divested somewhere else, Louis is all, "yeah, and Hessington just bought stuff there" saying they could keep this dance going all day. Unfortunately, the company has friends in high places, and already got special permission from the FTC, so its not going to work.
So onto plan B- which is secretly oust Eva without Harvey knowing. He manages to convince Jessica, but she's in no uncertain terms told that its not an option by the Spider. So of course, that just pisses her off and make her insist Louis go along with his plan. Again, like all the other damn people on this show, she convinces herself she's doing it because its the right play, and not because Varys pissed her off, claiming he's "lording" his 51% over her.
And it prolly is the wrong play- because Harvey and Mike end up doing a mock depostion to show Eva how bad it will be for her. Only, Eva friggin blows them away with her innocence. Mike shows Katrina, who shows Louis and insist he take back his plan to oust her. Louis tries to go to Jessica, but she won't let him, because again, Darby pissed her off and she's sure this is the right move. Louis is worried because he thinks Harvey will think Louis did it on his own, and Jessica is all, "He would've thought that anyways!"
Which, its funny how Louis started out as this a-hole prick, but he's like become the sympathetic character you feel sorry for. Because Jessica was right, no matter what happened, the others would still think Louis is this slimy bad guy. He didn't even get the nice win earlier when it seemed like he was going to outmaneuver the hostile company thanks to Mike and Katrina's work. They all worked hard and well finally, and it failed!
But yeah, Eva's out, but Hessington oil is still a client. Harvey is pissed, knows it was Jessica's doing. He tells Darby who's also livid. That's the weird thing about this season, I thought Jessica was supposed to be the smart one, the one who knows better than everyone, the queen. But she accuses Darby of thinking with his dick and again, says he keeps contravening her decisions out of spite. Which, I don't think that's necessarily the case. So I'm guessing Darby will really back Harvey now, since he thinks Jessica is the wild horse, not Harvey.
Hmm, maybe painting Jessica as fallible and losing her judgment is on purpose, to make Harvey more sympathetic for trying to take over? This way, the show can be Harvey saving the firm and Jessica from herself?