(no subject)

May 23, 2011 23:20

TV commentary:

House- Really, House?! He drives a car through Cuddy's House, then flees the country?! WTF?!

Make It or Break It- Argh!! So despite the truly awful emotional torment and blackmail Kelly Parker's mom put her through, she decides to not expose Kaylie's anorexia. Though I guess, unbeknown to her, it would've been pointless, since Kaylee pushed that one endorsement toward Payson. But, Kaylee's angry at the betrayal and rejects her. I guess we the audience know more than Kaylie does and were privy to the terrible way Kelly Parker's mom treats her. But still, Kaylie was calling Kelly Parker out for not trusting people and pushing them away, and isn't she just proving Kelly Parker's fears by rejecting her utterly even though she was trying to be apologetic?

Speaking of apologetic, Lauren surprisingly finally fesses up to Sasha about what she did (also revealing to Payson that Max does love Payson more than herself), and Sasha ends up forgiving her. Not because he needs her to win (well, he did), but because he did believe in her. She did have a point a few weeks ago, where it never seemed like he paid her as much attention as the other three girls. Of course, most of the time the show portrayed her as a schemer to busy to build the perfect family and trying to get boys for no other reason than to have a bf or beat out the other girls, so it didn't seem like she was as serious. Of course, was it a chicken and egg thing, where she didn't act as serious because she didn't get as much attention from Sasha? In any case, I'm glad for the clean slate, and a true clean slate at that, since Lauren finally did reveal all the horrible things she did that she'd been holding in. It was hard to really support any redemption arc for her without those things finally coming out.

But yeah, the Payson endorsement thing was a little ridiculous at first. I understand them not wanting to her lose her scholarship eligibility, but endorsements can also pay for college. And as Kaylie's dad said, they're kinda half-assing it at that point then. I mean, they're already gambling she's gonna be a world champion, and with it comes those perks of endorsements. I do see the value in trying to play it safe, just in case, but after a certain point, they have to commit one way or the other. At least they do make it little more murky when Stanford comes offering an actual scholarship. But again, they're all, "Oh, she might not do so great at world's, so why not just forget about that and participate in the collegiate arena?" It sucks that that showed up after they accepted the endorsement. But even if they did hear of the offer before the endorsement, its time to make a choice. Either believe your daughter can go to world's or give up now and just send her off to college.

And then she mucks things up in the beginning day of the competition. Though they could've telegraphed things better. Her feeling foolish after telling Max she loved him and feeling rejected, it didn't appear to faze her, and they didn't act like she was feeling any pressure from taking the endorsement deal. And could her parents be any more martyr-ish?! They thought it was their own fault that she messed up?! How do they figure that?! For making the decision to not become homeless and destitute by taking money they badly needed?! It was awkward though for the energy bar folks to be all excited about her in the beginning and then she kept messing up. But, hey, she at least ended in such a phenomenal way so as to make for good press, so that ought to be good for her image. And the team got the gold, so she's got the full payout.

It was obvious Kaylie was gonna come clean about the anorexia. And ha, I'm amused Simon Tam was all, "Hey, here's the Spanish speaking press" (in Brazil?!), which I assume was because she's Hispanic and she could converse better than the others in Spanish, but all that was still in English! But I digress, yeah, given how Simon Tam was all, "Don't tell them about your anorexia, it will make you look weak and lower not just your score, but the rest of the teams too!" it was obvious she was going to reveal it, and despite the perceived weakness, she'd do so good they'd still win.

Yeah, it was an unlikely comeback, but eff it, its a TV show. People want to see the protagonists come back from impossible odds and win. And I'm glad it was a total win this time. First season, when they competed in Nationals where Kaylie won the championship and the main girls (except for Payson) made it onto the team was marred by Pay breaking her back. They did okay in the Chinese invitational to the Rock, but for the most part, they seem to have frakked up more than they won, and even when they win, it seemed something bad happened to one of the girls.

This time, while Payson may have hurt their ankle, they were finally all winners. Not only that, Kaylie and Austin get together, as do Max and Payson. And Summer forgives Lauren. The Max thing was kinda silly in this ep. So ha, he's bisexual! There were people who were calling Max having a gay crush on Austin, but I was skeptical. Guess I was wrong! On the one hand, it seems like a cheap ploy, with the success of gay teen storylines on show like Glee, now everyone's trying to do something like that. On the other hand, I will give them props to being different. I know some people think bisexuals are just kidding themselves, but I think there are folks that really are bi, so it nice to see a show run with it. Particularly for a guy. I mean, some people complained that Santana on Glee was a full on lesbian and not bi. But its more acceptable for girl characters to be bi. As Max said, he was afraid to say he was bi, because everyone will think he's gay and just kidding himself. So its bucking the trend of the closeted guy being totally gay and his previous relationships with girls being fake and meaningless.

It is silly though that he was afraid Payson would reject him for being bi. She doesn't seem the type to care! I mean, she's put off relationships for so long I don't think she has any sort of baseline to think that's totally weird or wrong!

Oh, and I'm amused Kelly Parker was the one that saved their asses from not making it to the finals, and then being the catalyst to get all the girls to work out their issues. Also, I'm kinda glad for her redemptive arc. But I admit I'm biased because I like Kelly Parker. (and I'm not just saying that because NGA is part Flip!)

house, make it or break it, glee, tv

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