TV Commentary:
Secret Life- Okay, the whole thing with Amy looking like Ricky's mom (his birth mom, that is, not Rose from Lost) was kinda hilarious. And yes its creepy, but you know what's more creepy, Nora? Continuing to bring it up! And the writing on this show continues to confuse me. Midway through the ep, when Mimi (I forget her character's name, so I'm going by her name on the Drew Carey show) was remarking on how content Ben seemed, I figured they were going for a thing where, sure he accidentally knocked up Adrian in an attempt to hurt Amy or make her jealous or whatever, but that he's legitimately fallen for her, and him wanting to marry her is not a ploy to make Amy jealous, that he's gotten over her. But then the end scene with his dad, he just comes off as a petulant brat.
Its like the show is waffling between Adrian and Ben having a legitimate romantic connection and them just being a couple of dumb kids that don't know what they want or what the hell they're doing. Well, I guess the latter is more accurate to real life. But this show really needs to pick one route or the other. Because they put forth pairings that are boring and have no chemistry what so ever, but some of the couples that do have chemistry, the show seems to just be dismissive of them. Seriously, half the time these kids break up, and I have no idea why they're even having an argument. Hell, I don't even think the characters themselves know why the hell they're arguing, because most of the time it makes no friggin sense. I really should just quit this terrible show.
Make It Or Break It- Argh, seriously, I'd like to see an ep where I can not say, "What the hell is wrong with Lauren?" As I've said before, I wouldn't mind her being such a heinous bitch if she was the main rival of the other girls. But inexplicably, they still hang out with her, despite all the horrible things she's done with them, and conversely, even though she seems to despise the other girls, she continues to seek their friendship. I guess the latter can be explained by her being such a emotionally messed up loser that no one else will have her.
Oh, and that Darby chick is kinda hilarious in her total wishy-washiness and obvious avoidance of anything that even resembles a decision.
Damon just totally knocked up Emily, didn't he? I mean, that seems like the logical conclusion of this "one last tryst" before she has to lock things down and focus totally on her training. Plus, it would be a way to write in Chelsea Hobbs' real life pregnancy.
But the whole scene with Kaylee and Damon in her mom's studio, cliffv('What's up with that?!') I mean, it seems like they were doing a triangle with Kaylee, Emily and Austin, but now Kaylee and Damon might start getting close?
Speaking of Kaylee, even if I didn't see that promo, it was totally obvious her model friend from rehab is totally gonna die, right? I mean, they don't outright say she's dead, but who else could Kaylee be talking about when she's all, "But I just saw her!"? It seems that's prolly the only thing that will wake her ass up and force her to get her act together.