I get self conscious when I post too many things on Facebook. Because it means I'm not working... and technically today, I'm not really working. Boss lady's at a conference, so I'm kind of just monitoring work just in case something has to get done. In fact, one thing did have to get done. and so I did it and I am back in the process of waiting for someone to get back to me. Fascinating work day. I was kind of hoping I could kick back and watch some tv but it's okay i'm lollygagging on the internet instead.
It's f'ing cold in here. and this heat dish is heating the left side of me while the right side of me and my hands remain kind of cold. I've been letting loose some coughs though, like maybe sickness coughs. Is it okay to preemptively take tylenol cold?
Downloaded Google Chrome, I suppose it is kind of fast. I better check that work email again. see if anybody got back to me.
The nice thing about Chrome is if I drag a tab outside the window it'll create a new window (like firefox) but when I drag one back into an existing window, it gets rid of my duplicate window. that's a nice touch. i also like how the address bar is also a search box. Less random shit to clutter up my toolbars. supposedly if one of my tabs crashes, my others ones won't be affected either.
Here's something I would post to Facebook, but I have already shared 4 links today. That is excessive. I bet I overcrowd people's news feeds.
Here's another:
You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com
rotating kitchen from
Zeger Reyers on