
Mar 24, 2009 08:18

Out of curiosity, I watched Ben Stein's "Expelled" yesterday. I wanted to see what his arguments for Intelligent Design were. I want to admit up front that I was biased against the subject of ID, but I didn't need to be to see that this movie was crap.
It starts out by tugging at your heartstrings, telling about all these researchers who lost their jobs supposedly because they mentioned ID in papers they wrote. It is presented as a given that that's why they were fired, and no other reason is considered. They were VICTIMS.
All right, I said, now let's see some arguements in favor of ID science. Try to convince me. They didn't even try. The closest they came to a scientific arguement was some CG animation showing how complex a DNA strand is. It is implied that DNA is so complex, someone HAD to have designed it. End of lesson.
Lots of paranoia follows about the scientific community conspiring to silence anyone who talks about ID, with little or no proof that this is happening. Lots of stock footage of the Berlin Wall, implying that the scietific community are nothing more than COMMIES, out to smash freedom of speech.
But then, about 2/3rd's through the movie, Ben Stein finally goes TOO FAR. He tries to draw a direct line from Darwin to Hitler. Yes, that's right, Hitler. His arguement goes like this: Hitler believed in a master race, so Hitler = evolutionist ( a stretch, I know), therefore, all evolutionists are Nazis. Simple as that..
He even goes to Dachau to drive his point right into the heart of the viewer. Really sinking to a new low.
It ends with him giving a speech to an enraptured audience who he tells that to believe in ID is the PATRIOTIC thing to do! What a suprise!
This movie was pure propaganda, with very little based on fact or even reality.
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