50 First Times - Time 40 Or "Holy Crap! I finally got out of the 30's!!!!"

Mar 10, 2012 21:13

Title: Time 40
Author: Gedry
Pairings: Gabriel/Dean
Rating: PG
Word Count: 601
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me. I am making no profit from this fanfiction.
Beta: none
Spoilers: none
Warnings: none
Summary: Written for 50 first times - Harry Potter Marathon

Time 40

“I still can’t believe you never saw these,” Gabriel comments around a mouthful of popcorn. “I mean Sam is such an uber nerd I thought for sure you had lost your virginity way before now.”

“Do not ever talk about my non-existent virginity and my brother in the same sentence again,” Dean grumbles. But instead of pulling away he lounges further across the couch and plops his head into Gabriel’s lap.

Gabriel grins without looking away from the television, picking up some more popcorn with one hand while his other moves to splay across Dean’s t-shirt covered chest. This is new for them, this cuddling. Gabriel likes it, hopes for a lot more of it, never wants it to end.

“Which movie is this?” Dean asks sounding a little confused.

“The Prisoner of Azkaban,” Gabriel huffs. It would help if Dean would quit dropping off to sleep in the middle of the movies. “We have a long way to go.”

Dean grumbles noncommittally and Gabriel scratches at his chest a little before rubbing distractedly up and down Dean’s chest as he loses himself in the film. He’s seen it a hundred times, it’s one of those things he enjoys doing because he would never have been allowed to watch them at home. Not with the level of religion his parents practice. Even more so, he certainly wouldn’t have been allowed to watch anything with Dean’s head pillowed in his lap.

But Gabriel’s grown now, has his own life, and if he wants to spend his weekend in his pajamas watching movies about wizards and muggles with his boyfriend snuggled up to him he can do it and the world can kiss his ass.

Dean’s soft snore draws Gabriel out of his thoughts and suddenly the line of skin bared across Dean’s stomach from where his t-shirt is riding up is way more interesting than the movie. Gabriel stretches his hand out and drags the t-shirt up a little further so he can slide his hand across his boyfriend’s warm belly. Dean shifts under his hands, grumbling in his sleep and pressing closer. Gabriel smiles, bends down and presses a kiss to where Dean’s forehead meets his hairline. He loves this guy, really loves him.

Wants to spend forever with him.

Under the shirt is great, under the loose fitting pajama pants would be better. Dean hips lift up slightly as Gabriel’s fingers trail under the elastic. He can’t reach any further effectively so he contents himself with gentle touches through the trail of hair Dean has there. Gabriel’s hard, he bites his lower lip tasting butter and salt and Dean.

This isn’t the first time they’ve gotten distracted. It’s honestly no wonder Dean’s a little tired. But Gabriel’s thinking he could go again and as far as he knows Dean’s never turned down sex.

“Pause the movie.” Dean’s voice is gruff from the few moments of sleep he’s gotten and it sends a spike of want through Gabriel pooling in his groin. He fumbles for the remote but manages to comply with Dean’s order.

They tumble together on the couch, not finished until long after the screen’s gone black.

A year later, whenever someone mentions Harry Potter, Dean will yawn and Gabriel will blush. They’ll both immediately get erections.

50 first times

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