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Jan 09, 2013 17:49

League of Legends Challenge, anyone?
Day 1- A Picture of your Favorite Champion

Day 2- A Picture of your Most Used Champion

Day 3- A Picture of your Least Favorite Champion

Day 4- A Picture of your Favorite Tank

Day 5- A Picture of your Favorite AP Champion

Day 6- A Picture of your Favorite Jungler

Day 7- A Picture of your Favorite Carry

Day 8- A Picture of your Favorite Support Champion

Day 9- A Picture of your Most Recent Game Stats

Day 10- A Picture of the Skins you Own

Day 11- A Picture of Your Favorite Skin in the Game

Day 12- A Picture of Your Least Favorite Skin in the Game

Day 13- A Picture of a Champion you’ve Never Played

Day 14- A Picture of a Champion you HATE Playing With on a Team

Day 15- A Picture of a Champion you LOVE Having on your Team

Day 16- A Picture of a custom skin you Love

Day 17- A Picture of the Champion you Think has the Best Quote and the Quote you Love

Day 18- A Picture of a Champion Combination that you think is Awesome

Day 19- A Picture of a Champion Combination that should Never Happen

Day 20- A Picture of a Champion you find Over Powered

Day 21- A Picture of a champion that you Think should get Buffed

Day 22- A Picture of your Favorite New Champion

Day 23- A Picture of your Favorite Ability in the Game

Day 24- A Picture of a Chinese skin that you find Better than the American

Day 25- A Picture of your Favorite Chinese Skin

Day 26- A Picture of your Favorite Building in the Game

Day 27- A Picture of your Favorite Minion.

Day 28- A Picture of Your Favorite Item

Day 29- A Picture of a Champion you’d spend money(RP) on

Day 30- A Picture of Your Favorite Spell

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