Quick thoughts on New Years:
1) What's with all these people saying, "Time for a fresh start"? Do things suddenly disappear when the year changes? If so, I haven't noticed such a phenomenon for the last twenty years.
2) New Years Resolutions: are you serious? I'd like to say that no one keeps them, but a lot of people do. Now I ask, why only one a year? Why not constant resolutions to make yourself a better person? Monthly, weekly, daily resolutions? A few ideas to start:
- Stop saying "like".
- Stop whining about things and do something about them.
- Stop writing in livejournal.
3) I still don't get New Years. A celebration of numbers? Every New Years I have experienced, I have been drunk, in the presense of drunk people, or doing something that I probably just shouldn't be doing. Exception: handcuffing Adele to my stove. Is New Years just an excuse to drink and yell a lot? The older I get, it seems the more and more holidays revolve around alcohol. I don't necessarily agree with it, but it is very difficult to escape. This New Years, I wanted to read 1984 but I found myself pulled elsewhere.
Off of New Years:
What the hell is wrong with everybody?
For the past few days, I have been way too dependent on other things. Inside, I've been morphing into a passive dunce -- or at least feeling the temptation! My actions: I'll never regret anything I have done or think I should have done them differently. This happens to me every now and then. Call it guilt if you want, but I'd rather feel guilty than regret missing the opportunity. And I'm not just saying that, nor am I trying to be profound. Nor am I preeching. Nor am I writing something serious in my livejournal, because, like, that is totally gay.
Tomorrow, I plan to reclaim my individuality by purchasing a microwave and rechargeable batteries.