Oct 22, 2004 20:31
Today was a most excellent day. It was Day 1 (my favorite day!). I actually woke up really early for school, so I was way early for Concert Band. Mr. (or Dr.) K. was pretty mad at the band. I was too. Actually, every senior and Group Leader was pretty mad. The newbies of the band really didn't know how how to count. I mean, the measure was 4/4 time. Means that there are 8 eighth notes in a measure. THEY KEEP PLAYING NINE!!! COUNT, PEOPLE!!!! Srry, but I really need to let that out. I really want to graduate from a great band, but at this rate, it might not happen. School really went fast today. The classes went by so quick. Even footfall was enjoyable. I MADE A QB SACK!!! ^^
Jazz was pretty long today. I really love jazz. So many great players... (Not including me, of course!) Damn, I couldn't make Anime Club today. And I heard they were playing GTO. ARGH!! I really wanted to see the anime. I only read the manga... (Which, ExMachina, I still want the complete set.) After Jazz, I went with Robert to go buy DDR Extreme. Awesome! I actually own my own DDR game now! (Now if I could just get my own mat...)The downfall was that I could only go to Smiles by myself today. Robert had to watch the house while parents were gone. I understood. After a cup of water and a few jokes, I left for Smiles. The DDR machine was empty, so I went there first. After tiring my legs, I went to the SCII Machine. Hehehe. Blaze and Ex, I always wanted to do this.
"On a rainy day in the 22nd of October, things were looking grim for Lionel... Tristam and Galahad had already been erased from stage of history. Elaine was dominating the entire map. The only army that stood in the way was Lionel the the leader, Stunner (Kilik). Lionel's Army was shrinking really fast, and it looked like the leader, Poison Ivy (Ivy. Duh.) was going to slaughter the rest of Lionel. Elaine has already taken control of 97.85 of the map. Would this be the end of Lionel? But wait! A shining ray of hope was beaming from the east! Who could it be? Aww, it was only P.T. Geddoe, a mere newcomer. What could a mere newbie do for the despairing army of Lionel? Well, many people want to challenge this "P.T. Geddoe" (Kilik) and get rid of him. People came from all directions of rid of this newcomer. However, this individual would not give up! With his Festival of the Damned to Building Bridges technique and his flashy flaming 4B (Thanks Ex! I love this delay tactic!), it seemed that no one could stand up to him. With 199 wins and 0 losses, he plows through all competition. However, with the record of 5715 wins and 635 losses, Poison Ivy was his last opponent. It's true that he performed exceptionally, but now he would have to take down the leader. Could he do it? After 2 days of fighting (well, actually 50 seconds! XD), P.T. Geddoe came out on top with 200 wins! This amazing one-man army has completely taken down an entire legion by himself! As P.T. Geddoe stopped his fighting at last, this "Platinum Knight of the Furies" laid his stick, the Kali-Yuga, to rest, only to use it again for justice and peace...
You like it? This is esp. for you Ex! This is hilarious... Everything up there is based on a true story. But I still have another story for you guys...
After finishing the Conquest mode. I decided to play the arcade mode once before I leave. So I started. at the same time, some kid, about a few years older that me (just a few...), told me it was his turn. This is where it began:
Kid: Hey, its my turn.
Me: I don't see a quarter up here...
Kid: I don't care. Do you realize who you're talking to?
Me: I don't care who you are. I'm not finished...
Friend of Kid: Watch it. You're talking to Alex the Assassin.
Me: ... (weirdos).
Alex: So are you gettin off?
Me: Nope.
Alex: Well then, I'm gonna hafta teacha a lesson.
Me: ...
* Crowd builds up *
Alex: I choose Taki!
Me: ... (chooses Kilik, man with a stick. XD)
Alex: Oh, Kilik? Ima cream you!
Me: ... (hehe...)
First round: goes to Alex
Second Round: goes to Me
Alex: You're going down!
Me: ... (Alright... This kid pissed me off long enough...)
* P.T. wins with a Perfect Ring Out!*
Crowd: Ohhhh!!!!!!!!
Friend of Alex: What the hell?!?!
Alex: Aw damn... What the hell happened? That was a terrible match...
Me: Only for you buddy. Only for you...
Crowd: Ohhhh!!!!!!!!
P.T.G. leaves the arcade with a smile on his face...
To Ex and Blaze: See what I mean? I live for matches like this... I love smacking down the Trash-talkers... Esp. when the last round is like the one above! ExMachina and KnightBlaze, I wish you were his. You guys are much better than me, and we could have smacked all the trash-talkers in the arcade! (sigh) I really wish you were here. And btw, I got DDR Extreme. If you still want it, buy it. I can lend it to you now.
All right, I gonna rest up a bit. Open House is tomorrow, and me and Rob are performing tomorrow in Jazz. Hope all things go well from 10:00 to 5:00!