High-Intensity Interval Training for Women: Burn More Fat in Less Time with HIIT Workouts You Can Do

Dec 09, 2016 01:55

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Author(s): Sean Bartram

Publisher: --

Category: Health and Care

Date: 06.01.2015

Pages: 224

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1465435352

ISBN-13: 9781465435354

Format: PDF

Book Description:

High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is a fantastic way to lose weight and get healthy quickly with very short bursts of targeted exercise. HIIT is a fitness trend for a good reason в because it works! Fast-track your way to good health and a beautiful, strong body with High-Intensity Interval Training for Women, a step-by-step, highly visual guide jam-packed with exercises, workouts, and multi-day programs tailored to your fitness goals and designed to fit into the time you have. The beauty of HIIT is that it works fast, and the workouts are very short в you don t have to dedicate a lot of time to working out, but you still get great results from your exercise with High-Intensity Interval Training for Women. With this complete guide to High-Intensity Interval Training, you ll learn the right way to perform more than 80 HIIT exercises that can be done anywhere. These techniques cover all major muscle groups with special emphasis on the core and lower body, where women often look for results first. With this book, you ll get an explanation of why HIIT works for women, and you ll learn how to integrate our specialized exercises into your workout to maximize results in a minimal amount of time. You re a busy woman, and you re looking for an incredibly efficient and effective way to get the body you want and stay healthy. HIIT is your answer, and High-Intensity Interval Training for Women is the guide you need to reach your fitness goals!

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