Confidently she looked on her map. She did not know in which direction she should walk. She remembered the whistling which had woke her up and thought that it came from the direction to her right. Since it did not matter at all as everything looked the same and she had just started to draw a map she decided to walk into that direction. The trees stood close by close and it was difficult to find her way through them. After she was walking for some time she still had the feeling that nothing had changed. She even asked whether she had actually left the place where she had put the pine needles onto the bark. Since her feet already started to feel tired she decided to have a short rest. She was afraid that if she had a rest the scaring voices of the monsters would return. She looked at her map. The pine needles were still lying in the middle of the bark. While looking at them she felt the peace and silence returning. So she sat down on an old trunk and closed her eyes once more. She could now smell the humid soil below her feet. The smell of mushrooms was mixed with green and black. Life. It was life she smelt. She could feel it. She opened her eyes and saw little snails that in a short trail were crawling along an old root. They looked cute and beautiful with their white houses and their little antennae with the black eyes at the top. While she was watching the snails she forgot about everything. She forgot about the forest. She forgot the darkness and the cold. She forgot that she was hungry and tired. She forgot about her search. Finally she even forgot about herself. She kept looking at them and did not realize the passing time.