Paisley or Jihad?

May 29, 2008 12:47

Caught this on CNN:
Oddly I'm more angry at Dunkin' Donuts on this one.  You kinda come to expect this sort of shit from these conservative bigots but why the heck does Dunkin' have to knuckle under because of a few people seeing what they want to see.  I know that what happens on Aaron Sorkin shows is fiction and can't be expected in real life but just once I'd like to see something like this come up and have the company just go, "No she's not backing islamic extremism and it's absurd that anyone would suggest that."  It's Racheal Rae for Christ sake!  She's like the poster child for blind american consumerism and everything else that the terrorists are upset about.  Do they honestly think that either her of Dunkin' agree with the tenets of radical islam?  Anyway, that's my two cents.
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