That's Vacation with a capital 'V' because it's been over 12 years since I took one that was this long. Almost 3 weeks! It was quite the trip and I've taken over 5500 photos...that's going to take some time to process all of those! The trip was a good one, though I had to cut short several of my rockhounding side trips. I still managed to go to Gem-O-Rama, the main reason for me taking this trip. The bad news is, the car started acting up ('started?' This car has been nothing but acting's really undoing 30 years of Subaru loyalty.) in Kentucky and I took it into the local dealer, who told me it needs about a $5K repair. Sheesh! Did I mention that I stroked the final payment check and mailed it the day the vacation started?? I think it ought to hold up for a while as it really doesn't give me problems until I try to do a hard turn. If I can keep from doing that, I ought to be able to milk it a while while I figure out my next move in the auto dept.
Saw lots of cool things on the trip...horses loose on the Interstate, cowboys doing cowboy things, tarantulas, roadrunners, wind farms, solar energy farms, ghost towns, etc. Lots of photos...I'll post them as I get them sorted out and processed. Oh, speaking of 'just my luck'...Did I mention that the government shutdown started the day I left on vacation and ended the day I got back? I guess I'll just have to do a 'do-over' in the not too distant future. (Provided I don't blow all my future vacation cash doing something like...swimming with Great White sharks...something I'm actually considering!)
So...let me try to post a few photos. I'm a bit out of practice, so bear with me...
Gettin' my kicks...
The Trip begins...
In windy Weatherford, OK.
That's it for now...more to come!