Dec 22, 2008 15:01
In some observations of my own this season, courtesy has been on the bottom of everyone's list. Most people know that this is the shopping season of the year, and everyone is buying gifts for other people.
Preferably, we'd like to keep those gives secret until they are unwrapped upon gifting. While I didn't have the trouble of being exposed, on a couple occasions I purchased one item and the clerk didn't bother to bag up my item. After the first time it happened, I've had to ask them to bag the item. On other occasions, gift receipts were not provided or offered without direct request. Some stores had the audacity to put up a sign saying "please ask for a gift receipt before the clerk scans your items". I read that as "we are a lazy bunch who don't care to provide any level of service".
This Saturday, Crossgates mall was scheduled to close at midnight. Fifteen minutes before midnight, many stores already had their gates down. That's fifteen minutes of lost sales. A large snow storm was in town all day Sunday. I'm not about to ride out 40 minutes to the mall in a blizzard. Thankfully Walmart had an item I was looking for and Best Buy outed themselves at least $20 by closing 15 minutes early. And I'm sure I wasn't the only one who was turned away.