Not always, but today I had two.
The first dream I only remember the tail end because I woke up very early afterward and went back to sleep. For the most part, this dream was some kind of fray with some tribe in a jungle. It was likely inspired by having seen Indiana Jones on Sunday. The natives were firing darts at us from several directions. I was able to dodge most of them, but then they went for a companion of mine. I jumped in front to save her(?) and the darts hit me. I think additional darts fired after that point as I kneeled over and they definitely hit me in the left shoulder. I feel face forward flat on the ground. Then I seemed to be dying and I let out a moan of pain as I begged mercy, and I actually orated the moan and woke myself up. I believe this self-sacrifice has something to do with having watched Resident Evil: Apocalypse last night, which has a bit of that in it.
The second dream started out as a sound and light show with my bible study group. We were all in a room in my parent's basement with the lights turned off and a ton of audio and video equipment was in the room. Some music was playing and lights were dancing rather smoothly, and the instruction was to sit there and meditate or pray until we felt it was our time to get up and leave. I believe I stayed there until everyone else had left the room, and so I got up and turned off equipment and left shortly after the last person stood up.
After that, Ryan and I were going to head home. Ryan was hungry and I was thinking about getting something to drink. Ryan asked if it was a problem if I was delayed getting home by ten minutes if he ordered some food. I said there'd be no problem and so we went to a restaurant with booths that had low walls and wood paneling on the walls. It felt like an old diner or some family restaurant. We ordered things and eventually I woke up.
I also had another on Saturday.
In this dream there was a group of us at a house. A girl was with us and she was refusing to eat anything to the point that she was near death. We cooked up some kind of casserole with pasta, tuna fish, onions and some other things all mixed into water. It was almost tuna-noodle casserole, but didn't have a cream base. After we cooked it, the casserole now has spaghetti instead of egg noodles. It has shrimp in it too. We mixed it around into rolls of the pasta and other items in the dish. We gave her some to eat, but she didn't like it somehow and we assumed it was because it didn't get enough of the sauce flavor in it and was a bit dry. I had some of it, but don't recall how it tasted. After refusing any more food, the girl continued in her misery until it seemed she was surely going to die.
Either before or after this, a scene inside a large open cavern was shown me and a small army stood in the sand in the middle of this large open space. To one side another army hid itself behind stalagmites and prepared for the inevitable battle that was about to come. The army that hid had the advantage because of its protection as well as being higher up than the other army. I watched as the hiding army charged forth and slew the other army. Chain mail seemed to just fly off the members as they were put to death quickly.
After that scene, a noble knight found a small cavity like a burst bubble in a wall of black rock that glimmered with the light of the moon. A blue light, like a spell came from the small cavity as he entered it and never came out. Now the two accounts in the dream merged together as one and we took the girl and pushed her into the cavity where the knight has gone before. A blue and red light, like a bubble, filled the cavity and a cross of similar color could be seen on the side of the bubble. This we know would save this girl who would just assume die in her own misery. Beyond that is uncertain because I woke up.