My friend was all happy that I had lots of quizzes. All I go is go to other people's journals and look for quizzes. Nothing better to do with my time, I guess. ^_^
what adjective are you? quiz by
take the emo quiz.created by
jessi You are Gonzo!
You're a bit loopy, and many people have trouble figuring out exactly what you're supposed to be. You take pride in your eccentricity and originality.
Take the What Muppet Are You? Quiz! *blush*
You give your love and friendship unconditionaly. You enjoy long, thoughful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.
Find out your color at!
discover what candy you are @ *blush again*
I Will Take my own life!.
After going through with your own well thought out version of columbine you finally turn the gun on yourself... the thick coat of brains and coagulated blood was a bitch to get off the auditorium wall. You sure showed them!
Find out how you will die, Take the Death Quiz now! Uh, that's...lovely. I just answered truthfully and that's what I get?? Psh, I see how it is.
Which Weezer Song are You? I don't like Weezer that much...(There was actually a question on the quiz like that- I answered "I don't like Weezer that much)
RogueWhat X-Men Character are You? ^_^;;
Which tarot card are you? Uh...*grabs for dictionary*
You are the classic yellow squeeky toy.
Find your inner rubber ducky. Read that description- then tell me if you agree with this statement :That's just wrong.
Now we're getting somewhere - your actions are
now past pre-teen level, and you're beginning to
display some more mature content in your life
"Which Movie Classification Are You?"
Test created by
Jamie - take it
64% addicted to Instant Messenger. How about you?*gags*
I'll Do more later, I guess. Have fun Meg. ^_^