Mar 25, 2006 16:23
So, it is Saturday but due to the four day weekend, it feels like Sunday. I am sad because its already half way through. I still have Sunday and Monday but it is going to end all too soon. I just got back from Shez's house which was interesting to say the least. It was fun though. I have found that I really enjoy playing Sly 2. Sadly, I do not have a PS2.
My dad says he wants to get some work done on the basement tonight. I think we are going to knock some more walls down soon. Our laundry room is going to get knocked in and we are going to just have a huge downstairs. My old room has a wall now that gives two thirds of the room to the bathroom, and a third of the room to a place to put the washer and dryer. So, it is going to be pretty cool when we get all that space down there. I just cant wait to get down into my room again and get out of my brothers room. That will be the best part. The only thing is that my bedroom will be the last thing to get finished. We still have that huge dumpster outside in the alley which sucks because now I cant go out and just play basketball.
So, there isnt much going on other than that. I want to go over to that Fish Place that Pet PLace when Matt goes over this weekend. I have a $50 gift certificate and I need to get a bigger cage and I want to get a new budgie. I really want to have three. Three is a good number. That way when I cant be there to play with them and let them out, they can entertain eachother, and then I can still play with them with three without them going back to not liking human attention. So, I just hope there are some budgies there that I like.
So, for now there isnt much more than that.
So, yeah.