(no subject)

Mar 15, 2006 01:52

I know I don't update much, but I'll have one along soon, but until then...

Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: Veal
I know it's baby cow, but now that I've eaten it again I LOVE it.
Literary: LiveJournal I try to stay informed. Does that make me a bad person?Audiovisual: American Idol What can be better than sitting back with a few beers and making fun of people?
Musical: ABBA Whenever I hit shuffle on my iPod 50% of the time an ABBA song comes up. Jesus.
Celebrity: Topher Grace He may not be beaming with talent, but he's still cute.

Now I tag:-

ganas_de_ti polkadotsky vivoencoche mandybear7 and magictaco

to complete this same Quiz, Its HERE.

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