Jul 21, 2009 15:50
I need a new book from you guys NOW!! LOL I just finished When You Don't See Me. Needless to say, it was like saying goodbye to old friends until I get a chance to see them again. It wa sth enext to the last book in my "sure thing" stack...books I hold in reserve when I want to read something I know I will love. Books who's characters have spoken to me in such a way that I want to prolong their presence in my life. TJB's books(sitcom anyone??), as well as The Deal and 3 Fortunes(I'm still waiting for the movies!), the Scotty books and the Chanse books(Doesn't Here TV or LOGO need another series based on an excellent fun mystery series, like the Donald Starchey movies ), William J Mann's Jeff & Lloyd books, Michael Thomas Ford's books. These are the ones I save for when I need a book I can just absolutely lose myself in and the characters seem like friends I want to see much more often than life allows. I'd add the Coventry books to this group, but I can't lie. I read them as soon as I bought them for the same reason I ration the aforementioned ones. LOL
I just read He's The One at the end of Chrismas break and I'm Your Man at the beginning of summer break and told myself I would not touch this last one until at least Christmas break. So much for resolve, huh?? Now I only have one left in that stack, William J Mann's Men Who Love Men. Although, his new one, Object of Desire, does sound good and, with my discount at the store and a couple of gifts cards I have leftovers on, I may be able to get it. I haven't read Michael Thomas Ford's Changing Tides yet either, but I don't own it. At least I know I have a Chanse coming this fall and that Scotty lives again.
But back to WYDSM... What can I say?? While the older characters from the previous novels take a back seat to Nick and his group and it wasn't as lighthearted, I still left feeling just so very satisfied. Laughter tears, surprise, even anger... these are the things I expeienced while reading this book. If you haven't yet read this latest entry from TJB, put down whatever you are currently reading NOW and read this book.
Thank you guys for yet another wonderful visit to the Big Apple. I suppose I'll go back and finish my book on Tennessee Williams now because any fiction I pick up now will surely pale in the afterglow of WYDSM.