(no subject)

Oct 13, 2008 19:40

Part 1

Oct 13 00:56:33 * Allistar shakes his head. "I think I'm gonna turn in for the night." Or go home and get laid. You know. Whatever. >_>
Oct 13 00:56:40 * PatLoft frowns, too, even though all her Delia information is sixthhand. "Good night, Allistar."
Oct 13 00:56:41 Kurt, Truth or Dare?
Oct 13 00:57:00 "Goodnight, Allistar." She smiles.
Oct 13 00:57:10 * Metody smooches Allistar's cheek. "Night!"
Oct 13 00:57:11 Goodnight!
Oct 13 00:57:18 Night!
Oct 13 00:57:25 "G'night! Thanks for the lulzy game, guys." He waves. Annnd. Scoots over to Metody. "And thanks for the kiss." He'll try for another? :D?
Oct 13 00:57:27 "She... is a little creepy, yeah." Creepy is relative. He was complaining about Miss Bitters earlier, after all.
Oct 13 00:58:23 "Night!" He turns and gives Some the well of COURSE you're going to pick me you bastard look. "Wahrheit." Aaand apparently he's going to be annoying right back, speaking a language you don't know.
Oct 13 00:58:44 * Metody laughs and gives him another kiss. Smooch!
Oct 13 00:58:47 ... That means dare, right?
Oct 13 00:58:57 :D
Oct 13 00:58:59 * SomaC[loft] gives Allistar an almost knowing look, and shook his head. [No Soma, don't even think about it]
Oct 13 00:59:04 "Of course it means dare! What else would it be?"
Oct 13 00:59:05 "Nooo."
Oct 13 00:59:13 "It was 'truth'." She blinks.
Oct 13 00:59:25 * Kurt_loft points at Bella. See?
Oct 13 00:59:31 * Allistar grins and scoots out. "NIIIIGHT." He'll PIN home from there.
Oct 13 00:59:46 * Dib[loft] sprawls on the floor.
Oct 13 01:00:34 * Some sighs gustily. "Fiiiine. What was your very first LOL?"
Oct 13 01:04:15 I'm sleep-y.
Oct 13 01:04:27 "Iiii think it was the catbrownies."
Oct 13 01:04:36 "Or the gender swap." 9__9
Oct 13 01:04:57 "You were a lovely pu- cat. And a lovely girl."
Oct 13 01:04:58 * Jake[doll] slumps back against the wall and just...stops moving.
Oct 13 01:05:06 ...!
Oct 13 01:05:10 * Bella[Loft] blinks at Jake.
Oct 13 01:05:16 >_>!
Oct 13 01:05:27 * SomaC[loft] pushes back in the chair as Jake slumps. "...Oh my - check him, may-maybe he has a wind-up key."
Oct 13 01:05:33
"Well. I think he's asleep."
Oct 13 01:05:57 * SomaC[loft] looks absolutely terrified, and almost ready to tip the chair over.
Oct 13 01:05:57 Please.
Oct 13 01:06:36 o_o
Oct 13 01:06:41 "Might be wise."
Oct 13 01:07:02 * SomaC[loft] has a feeling someone will ask him about his reaction.
Oct 13 01:07:02 ((Go ahead and do whatever you need to with him. Just let me know if you draw on him or whatever. XD))
Oct 13 01:07:14 "I should be getting some sleep too. But, uh... I'm going to do it down /there./"
Oct 13 01:07:39 "You do not have a PIN device?"
Oct 13 01:08:02 Well, yeah... I guess I could go home too...
Oct 13 01:08:07 I wouldn't sleep anywhere in the Sanctuary, really. It's not friendly to the unconscious. *GRIN*
Oct 13 01:08:23 They like to doodle on people. *He squeezed his eyes shut*
Oct 13 01:08:40 "There's side rooms, too. They're nice."
Oct 13 01:09:04 Oh, oh yeah. *is already doodled on, for what it's worth* Yeah, you've got a point. Okay, goodnight guys. "He waves.*
Oct 13 01:09:05 "Mhm"
Oct 13 01:09:16 Goodnight!
Oct 13 01:09:21
"Good night."
Oct 13 01:09:25 "Goodnight."
Oct 13 01:09:29 Good night.
Oct 13 01:09:34 * Dib[loft] opens a portal and dives through it.
Oct 13 01:09:40 * Some puts away his sharpies, disappointed.
Oct 13 01:09:44 "Sweet dreams."
Oct 13 01:10:07 * Eddie_ yawns, covering his mouth with his hand.
Oct 13 01:10:23 Aw man, all you sleepy people.
Oct 13 01:10:45 * SomaC[loft] watches the others yawn, a bit annoyed. "Come on, don't have the energy to keep i.. up?"
Oct 13 01:10:58 * Some gives Soma a flat, yet highly amused look.
Oct 13 01:11:06 ... *facepalm*
Oct 13 01:11:20 I'm not sleepy, I'm bored.
Oct 13 01:11:26 Sorry. I have been doing that all night.
Oct 13 01:11:33 pffft
Oct 13 01:12:08 * Metody yawns too. "Who's turn is it?"
Oct 13 01:12:15 * Some points at Kurt.
Oct 13 01:12:52 * Bella[Loft] stretches
Oct 13 01:16:44 Well then?
Oct 13 01:18:06 * Eddie_ 's mun has to be up in 5 hours, and so he vanishes against his will. Alas!
Oct 13 01:18:28 * Eddie_ (Mibbit@dm-26762.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net) has quit (Exit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Oct 13 01:23:19 * Kurt_loft points to Metody
Oct 13 01:23:24 "Truth or Dare?"
Oct 13 01:23:39 "Ah - dare, please." They always seem to be more interesting than truths.
Oct 13 01:24:24 "Hmm. Challenge Bella to a duel, and give her a good reason why."
Oct 13 01:24:31 * Bella[Loft] blinks o.o
Oct 13 01:24:32 * SomaC[loft] quirks a brow.
Oct 13 01:24:47 * Bella[Loft] quirks an eyebrow and folds her arms.
Oct 13 01:25:04 * Kurt_loft sits back, clearly proud of himself.
Oct 13 01:25:10 * PatLoft grins.
Oct 13 01:26:55 "Um. She can kick my butt. What kind of duel?"
Oct 13 01:27:11 "We don't have to actually -do- the duel, do we?
Oct 13 01:27:16
"The important thing is the /challenge/ Metody."
Oct 13 01:27:29 "Use your imagination!"
Oct 13 01:29:31 * SomaC[loft] bites his tongue to keep from uttering something inappropriate.
Oct 13 01:30:04 * Bella[Loft] grins, leaning back on one hand and waiting for this
Oct 13 01:30:07 "Oh, dear." He bounds over, then smiles at Bella. "Bella. I challenge you to a duel of pillows at - well, not dawn. I'm not getting up at dawn. On some convienent evening. Because otherwise, I shall..um. Besmirch your honor?"
Oct 13 01:30:25 * Some smrcks.
Oct 13 01:30:38 * Bella[Loft] raises one hand to her mouth clears her throat, and -POINTS-. "I /ACCEPT/ this challenge." /Grin/
Oct 13 01:30:45 "...You could do both?" >:3
Oct 13 01:30:51 "But....your honor? Besmirching?"
Oct 13 01:31:47 That's the fun stuff.
Oct 13 01:31:59 ^_^
Oct 13 01:32:55 * Metody points. "And no making a steam-powered pillow brandishing Metody thumper!"
Oct 13 01:32:57 * PatLoft laughs.
Oct 13 01:33:21 "Now would /I/ cheat like /that/?" Innocent Bella is as innocent as the day is long.
Oct 13 01:33:48 "You are already making plans in your head." He looks them over. "Um. Soma?" That's his name, right?
Oct 13 01:33:51 "Besides. How else would you know if you were being thumped /properly/?"
Oct 13 01:34:36 Yes?
Oct 13 01:35:35 * Bella[Loft] grins.
Oct 13 01:36:05 "Truth or dare?"
Oct 13 01:36:10 Dare.
Oct 13 01:37:39 * SomaC[loft] is waiting with antici... pation.
Oct 13 01:38:37 "...crap."
Oct 13 01:38:42 "That was not the dare!"
Oct 13 01:38:55 * Some cracks up, sprawling in his bean bag chair.
Oct 13 01:39:00 * SomaC[loft] chuckles.
Oct 13 01:39:22 * Kurt_loft snerks!
Oct 13 01:39:34 * PatLoft smiles.
Oct 13 01:39:40 * Bella[Loft] snrks
Oct 13 01:39:40 "Go...um. Make yourself a pretty wedding dress using toilet paper."
Oct 13 01:40:12 * PatLoft will not take this opportunity to point out that in her time, an essential component of wedding dresses is yellow.
Oct 13 01:40:31 * Kurt_loft cackles.
Oct 13 01:40:37 * SomaC[loft] raises a brow. "I'll head down to get some." He saunters out, and down the stair way.
Oct 13 01:40:55 * PatLoft does get slightly odd expression taht she tries to keep to herself, though
Oct 13 01:41:33 * PatLoft clears her throat. "So.....anyway. Luc once got dared to declare his undying love, he says. People think of the silliest things."
Oct 13 01:41:47 * Metody giggles. "Did he declare it for Arista?"
Oct 13 01:41:48 * Bella[Loft] chuckles, "I bet that was a sight."
Oct 13 01:42:05
"For the Empress, yes." She grins. "It had to be a person, and he wanted to be honest."
Oct 13 01:42:48 "Aww!"
Oct 13 01:42:48 * Some pats the big bean bag chair. Wouldn't this be more comfy than wherever you're perched, Kurt?
Oct 13 01:43:30 I could do that.
Oct 13 01:45:08 "You're a parent. Totally not fair."
Oct 13 01:45:24 "I mean, in the declaring-love arena. You've got a natural bonus there."
Oct 13 01:45:35 * Some would glue, but yanno, Grue.
Oct 13 01:45:47 *glow
Oct 13 01:47:09 * PatLoft smiles slightly.
Oct 13 01:47:56 "Though I have to say, I could easily declare my love for my parents and my siblings. Most of the time."
Oct 13 01:48:09 * Kurt_loft is invited to go sit over there /now/, is he? Well maybe he's comfortable over here.
Oct 13 01:49:09 * Kurt_loft tucks his knees under his chin and spaces out.
Oct 13 01:49:25 *calls out from downstairs* I'll be right up, sorry for the wait.
Oct 13 01:49:51 * Some will get up, go -over- there, and pick him up to kidnap him back to his beanbag chair.
Oct 13 01:49:52 * SomaC[loft] comes up with toliet paper, and is leading Phoenix in.
Oct 13 01:49:59 "Hallo again."
Oct 13 01:50:06 * Basil[human] follows, a little unsteadily, still.
Oct 13 01:50:09
"hello, Mr. Wright."
Oct 13 01:50:25 "Hello!" A cheerful wave!
Oct 13 01:50:29
Ah, h...hey.
Oct 13 01:50:38 Hey, guys.
Oct 13 01:50:38 Okay, I know there is a dressmaking dummy in here. *He slowly lets go of Phoenix's hand, and pulls out a dummy, stringing toliet paper on, making it vaguely-dress like.
Oct 13 01:50:47
"Are you okay?"
Oct 13 01:51:15 * PatLoft did not fail her perception roll.
Oct 13 01:51:26
Just... a bad case of deja vu coupled with an unpleasant person, is all.
Oct 13 01:51:39 I'll keep an eye on you, okay? *He makes a toliet-paper train, then ta-da, a crude dress* All right. Here's a dress. *the Dare never said anything about wearing it*
Oct 13 01:51:45 * Kurt_loft blinks as Some comes over. W-what?
Oct 13 01:51:59 Okay... Pat? Truth or Dare?
Oct 13 01:51:59 * Some is kidnapping you.
Oct 13 01:52:18
"Truth." Still. Despite the hot. She's a Good Girl.
Oct 13 01:52:32 * Kurt_loft is being tugged? He waves to Phoenix and Basil.
Oct 13 01:52:44 "You are the lovely princess of the ball, Soma."
Oct 13 01:52:57 * Basil[human] wobbles over to have a seat near people he knows. Probably you, Metody, because his mun is EVIL. All that wobbling and weaving and he hasn't had a drop all night. He smiles and nods to Kurt.*
Oct 13 01:53:22 * Some knows for a fact his bean bag chair is better than the bar. You are being kidnapped for comfort.
Oct 13 01:53:27 * SomaC[loft] gives an odd little laugh, and doesn't even act embarrassed. he leaves the dress on the dummy.
Oct 13 01:53:33
Don't mind me, I 'm just gonna keep out of this for now, okay? I don't think I'd be much fun right now anyway...
Oct 13 01:53:41 "Alright then."
Oct 13 01:54:10
"No problem. Memories of unpleasant people are no fun." She's reminded of that every time she goes by the Aqueduct Labor Dormitory.
Oct 13 01:54:19 "Rats. Should have dared you to wear it." He peeks over at Phoenix. "Want a caramel?"
Oct 13 01:54:36 * Kurt_loft is kidnapped but he's kinda :| about it.
Oct 13 01:54:43
Um, s...sure.
Oct 13 01:54:48 Truth... Let's see, What's one bad habit of yours... and what is one good quality?
Oct 13 01:55:38 * Metody pokes in his bookbag. Caramel get! He pops one in his mouth, then tosses the bag to Phoenix. Everything is better with caramel.
Oct 13 01:55:59 * Phoenix[apartment] takes one tetnatively.
Oct 13 01:56:02
Oct 13 01:56:19 Those aren't LOLed, are they, Metody?
Oct 13 01:56:38 "Heavens, no. I made them myself, so I'm pretty darned sure on that."
Oct 13 01:56:52
"All right, I can be a little impulsive, and I have an excellent sense of rhythm."
Oct 13 01:57:05 * Bella[Loft] grins at the rhythm bit.
Oct 13 01:57:13 A good sense of Rhythm? We'll have to see that at some point.
Oct 13 01:57:27 "It is a sight, believe me."
Oct 13 01:57:57
"I may or may not hold you to that, sir," she says, smiling.
Oct 13 01:58:17 * PatLoft thinks.
Oct 13 01:58:57 * Some raises an eyebrow at Bella.
Oct 13 01:58:58 * Kurt_loft sits on the floor and leans on Some's beanbag chair.
Oct 13 01:59:07 * Bella[Loft] means /dancing/, you pervert.
Oct 13 01:59:18 * Phoenix[apartment] chews on the caramel. It is somewhat comforting.
Oct 13 01:59:41
"All right, if Mr. Wright and....um, sir," she addresses Basil. "Are you playing?"
Oct 13 02:00:00 * Bella[Loft] (Srsly, go look at the groove thread on the prom. IT WAS EPIC)
Oct 13 02:00:12
I'm gonna pass, thanks.
Oct 13 02:00:22 ((BRB))
Oct 13 02:00:30 * SomaC[loft] watches the door, as he sits down - poised.
Oct 13 02:00:44 * PatLoft is still waiting for Basil's response.
Oct 13 02:00:58
Oct 13 02:01:07 * PatLoft does a 'never mind' headshake.
Oct 13 02:01:10
"Bella. Pick."
Oct 13 02:01:22
((.damnit. Retcon.))
Oct 13 02:01:25
Oct 13 02:02:56 Me? Dare.
Oct 13 02:04:11
"Please demonstrate something you can do that that no non-preternatural human can --in a way in which no one could get hurt, of course."
Oct 13 02:05:02 * Some snorts. "Ah, um..."
Oct 13 02:05:04 ((Aw, I just got back))
Oct 13 02:05:20 ((ah well <3))
Oct 13 02:06:27 * Some turns out all the lights without moving, then vanishes, reappears right behind Pat. "Boo."
Oct 13 02:06:46 * Phoenix_Wright jumps a bit. Forgive him, he's a bit jumpy.
Oct 13 02:06:47 * PatLoft whirls. "Very nice. Thank you."
Oct 13 02:07:11 * Bella[Loft] jumps a bit as well, her hand going to her gun (She doesn't activate it or do anything other than this)
Oct 13 02:07:31 * SomaC[loft] fidgets a little, the restlessness and hunger he's been feeling all night is starting to show.
Oct 13 02:07:48 * PatLoft doesn't go for her weapon by virtue of the fact that she did just ask the guy to do something preternatural.
Oct 13 02:07:54 "Hnk!"
Oct 13 02:08:11 * Some grins, and turns the lights back on, going back to his spot.
Oct 13 02:08:59 * Kurt_loft has meanwhile stolen Some's seat.
Oct 13 02:09:03 ...
Oct 13 02:09:25 * Kurt_loft looks Perfectly Innocent. "What? Nice show." :D
Oct 13 02:10:28 * Bella[Loft] relaxes relatively quickly, though
Oct 13 02:10:39 * Some will... sit on the floor and lean on the chair. "Bella! Truth or Dare."
Oct 13 02:10:46 "Hmmm."
Oct 13 02:10:54 "Dare." She grins.
Oct 13 02:11:01
[Geez, calm down. You're like a mouse.]
Oct 13 02:12:04 * SomaC[loft] turns his gaze to Phoenix, mainly to see if he's okay... and he lingers before he forced himself to break eye contact.
Oct 13 02:12:46 We need some dancing in here. Choose a partner and waltz?
Oct 13 02:12:55 * Bella[Loft] hmms.
Oct 13 02:13:47 Patpatpat pick Pat and kiss her. C'mon, Paaaaat
Oct 13 02:14:04 * Kurt_loft grabs Some's shoulder with his toes, on impulse. Squeeze squeeze.
Oct 13 02:14:05 "I think I can do that." She draws her legs up and pulls herself into a stand, and after a moment's debate, offers her hand to Pat (I swear to god, I flipped a coin for pat or Metody)
Oct 13 02:14:06 * PatLoft chuckles
Oct 13 02:14:16 YES! Metody grins
Oct 13 02:14:24 * Phoenix_Wright chuckles.
Oct 13 02:14:52 * PatLoft will get up and take it graciously. "Hope the term's translating right. 'One-two-three'?"
Oct 13 02:15:13 "Mhm," She glances back to the boys, though, "I will, however, need music to do this."
Oct 13 02:16:02 There's the Jukebox.
Oct 13 02:16:15 * Some leans back. Grue can has backrub? "Met, could you hit the Jukebox?"
Oct 13 02:17:09 * Metody rises and bounds over to it. "Hmm...any requests?"
Oct 13 02:17:25 "Something that I can waltz to is about my limit."
Oct 13 02:17:51 * Kurt_loft is not wise in the way of foot-to-back-fu, and kinda just pushes back.
Oct 13 02:19:51 "Blue Danube it is." What kind of wierd JukeBox has Blue Danube?
Oct 13 02:20:00 * Some squeezes his foot.
Oct 13 02:20:04 * Phoenix_Wright doesn't question these things.
Oct 13 02:20:12 * Bella[Loft] a Nexus JukeBox, clearly.
Oct 13 02:20:48 * Bella[Loft] will, however take a second to get the rythym of the song once it starts playing, and grins. And she'll lead Pat through the waltz--to the point that she starts humming the song as they go, it helps her count the beat.
Oct 13 02:21:08 * SomaC[loft] closes his eyes, listening to the music.
Oct 13 02:21:13 * PatLoft acknowledges Bella as more informed on waltzes, however similar some four-person aristan dances might be, but she manages just fine following the lead exactly.
Oct 13 02:21:45 * Phoenix_Wright smiles a bit at the music.
Oct 13 02:22:13 * PatLoft also does not objecto to this whole dancing-relatively-close thing, oh no. And she likes the music, too.
Oct 13 02:22:32 * Bella[Loft] is a Spark, but she's also nobility--being trained in Proper Dance was something that was Just Done, really. (Although she didn't start to do it -well- until she broke through), she grins a bit, 'cause hey, it's fun to show off, innit?
Oct 13 02:23:05 * Metody sighs all dreamy
Oct 13 02:23:27 * Some does too.
Oct 13 02:24:00 * SomaC[loft] slowly opens his eyes to watch. Nice, very nice. Though he is reminded of his mother's many attempts to teach him to dance.
Oct 13 02:24:21 * PatLoft is fine with it getting showy, too. But then, all good things. When they're done, she bows slightly.
Oct 13 02:24:39 * Bella[Loft] returns the bow and even kisses Pat's cheek, "How was that?" ^_^
Oct 13 02:24:50 * PatLoft grins. "I've got no complaints."
Oct 13 02:24:52 * Some claps.
Oct 13 02:25:15 * Kurt_loft claps too
Oct 13 02:25:35 "Now, who hasn't gone in a little while?"
Oct 13 02:25:37 * Metody laughs happily and claps
Oct 13 02:25:37 Nice.
Oct 13 02:26:27 Hm, either Metody or Kurt.
Oct 13 02:26:42 "Or Basil or Phoenix."
Oct 13 02:27:03 "Are Basil and Herr Wright playing, however?" Bella will sit back down, now, after a good stretch.
Oct 13 02:27:13 * Kurt_loft does not believe in 'I'll pass' apparently.
Oct 13 02:27:28 * Phoenix_Wright shakes his head. "Sorry, not really in a 'Truth or Dare' mood."
Oct 13 02:28:06 "I think Kurt's gone the longest, really."
Oct 13 02:28:12 * Bella[Loft] 's mun'll go with the idea that Basil has dozed off or sommat, so! "Kurt, choose your fate--Truth or dare?"
Oct 13 02:28:25 * Kurt_loft is doomed, apparently. "Dare."
Oct 13 02:28:57 ((Must consult cheatsheet unomomento))
Oct 13 02:31:06 "Hmmm." She looks thoughtful, "You're to allow Some to draw a mustache on you." She grins, "In whatever way will make it show up on your.." Vague gesture, she means unique coloring.
Oct 13 02:31:34 * Kurt_loft gives Some the 'you're going to bleach my fur aren't you' look. e__e
Oct 13 02:31:38 I don't have my bleach pen.
Oct 13 02:31:54 ((Nah, he'll just give Kurt some normal milk))
Oct 13 02:31:59 * Metody offers over his purple marker?
Oct 13 02:32:07 * Phoenix_Wright chuckles.
Oct 13 02:32:17 I wonder what would show up.
Oct 13 02:32:20 * Some roots around in his way-too-many pockets and comes up with... a gold sharpie! "Thanks, I got it."
Oct 13 02:32:38 "I demand handlebars."
Oct 13 02:32:51 ^_^
Oct 13 02:32:51 The big twirly ones?
Oct 13 02:33:17 "Ja." If we're going to do this, we will do it properly.
Oct 13 02:33:22 * SomaC[loft] snickers.
Oct 13 02:33:26 * Ishmael is now known as Tsukino_Usagi
Oct 13 02:33:28 "Gosh. You're like a girlscout, Some."
Oct 13 02:33:42 I am totally a girl scout.
Oct 13 02:33:45 He'll need a monocole.
Oct 13 02:34:00 "And a goatee! To show that he's evil."
Oct 13 02:34:11 * Phoenix_Wright shakes his head. "Man, you guys."
Oct 13 02:34:19 * Some lies back to draw this musctache on, working upside down. Biiiiig twirly mustache. "No, he's absolutely not evil."
Oct 13 02:34:20 "I am not evil," Kurt says reflexively.
Oct 13 02:34:21 "I am not sure how a goatee means evil, but if he is willing, go for it."
Oct 13 02:34:44 "A goatee would distract anyway."
Oct 13 02:34:55 "Hm. Soul patch?"
Oct 13 02:35:00 Sure.
Oct 13 02:35:17 Noooo. Just a mustache.
Oct 13 02:35:27 * Tsukino_Usagi pokes her head up from the stairs, and suddenly the room may seem a little brighter due to her smile. "Hiii!"
Oct 13 02:35:35 "What is a soul patch?!"
Oct 13 02:35:39 "Er. Hallo."
Oct 13 02:35:41
"Good evening, miss."
Oct 13 02:35:55 A little tiny beard right here. *draws one on himself*
Oct 13 02:36:04 * Phoenix_Wright waves a bit. Honestly, after that last woman, even Usagi isn't so bad.
Oct 13 02:36:04 "One of those tiny, stupid little spots of beard." He taps his own chin to show where.
Oct 13 02:36:21 * Metody cheerfully waves to Usagi.
Oct 13 02:36:22 "Ach, Some." Kurt baps the pen away. "It is not good for your skin."
Oct 13 02:36:32 Pfff, it's not my skin.
Oct 13 02:36:41 * SomaC[Incuby|loft] glances at Usagi for a moment before returning to the group - he seems on edge
Oct 13 02:36:57 * Tsukino_Usagi bounces on up, then peers around for a spot to sit, finally deciding that the arm of the couch isn't taken. She can subtly force whoever's sitting there to the side anyway, right? "What's going on?"
Oct 13 02:37:00 * Kurt_loft pokes his face. "It's not?" What were you drawing on then?
Oct 13 02:37:07 "A 'truth or dare' game."
Oct 13 02:37:17 * Phoenix_Wright is slid. Lovely.
Oct 13 02:37:23 * Some is kidding. "An Edgar-suit."
Oct 13 02:37:46 "Ew."
Oct 13 02:38:06 * Tsukino_Usagi beams at Phoenix once she's properly seated. You can't be angry at this, right? "Truth or dare? Can I play?"
Oct 13 02:38:11 Your turn to ask someone.
Oct 13 02:38:59 * Phoenix_Wright isn't much in the mood to be angry at anybody.
Oct 13 02:39:17 "Sure. Truth or dare?" Asks the...blueblack devil-elf-boy who has just had a big curly shiny gold mustache drawn on his face.
Oct 13 02:39:25 What, me?
Oct 13 02:40:43 "No, her." He points at Usagi.
Oct 13 02:40:53 Aaah.
Oct 13 02:41:02 * Some waves to Usagi.
Oct 13 02:41:06 Oh! Um. Um. Truth! Hi.
Oct 13 02:43:35 "Hello." Thiiiink... "If you could pick any job to do for a day, what would it be?"
Oct 13 02:43:49 I would be...
Oct 13 02:43:50 ...
Oct 13 02:43:56 ...A pop idol!
Oct 13 02:44:21 "..A what?"
Oct 13 02:44:43 A singer!
Oct 13 02:44:47 "Ah!"
Oct 13 02:44:48
Oct 13 02:44:51 * Tsukino_Usagi should not be allowed to sing. She is high pitched.
Oct 13 02:46:16 So. Um. Aristan whose name I cannot recall! Truth or dare?
Oct 13 02:46:26
"Pat, miss. And truth, please."
Oct 13 02:46:57 Pat! Right. What's your favorite animal?
Oct 13 02:46:58 * Kurt_loft pretends to twirl his mustache, and resists saying 'Nyar!'
Oct 13 02:47:06 * SomaC[Incuby|loft] leans back.
Oct 13 02:48:13 * Some totally thinks he should.
Oct 13 02:48:47 * PatLoft 's tone with the Princess who can set off her bracelets despite seeming incredibly civiliany is quite polite.
Oct 13 02:49:56
"Hm.... .. Horses!"
Oct 13 02:50:18
"I would definitely have to say horses."
Oct 13 02:50:25 * Tsukino_Usagi apologizes for pinging on your bracelets. "Horses are nice! Makoto likes them. I think rabbits are cuter, though."
Oct 13 02:50:43 Feeling better, Phoenix?
Oct 13 02:50:45 * Bella[Loft] , if she knew what 'Usagi' meant, she wouldn't be surprised.
Oct 13 02:50:58
"Rabbits probably are cuter, miss. I just have more horse-related experience."
Oct 13 02:51:28 I like dinosaurs, myself.
Oct 13 02:51:33 * Metody carefully does not remark on the tastiness of rabbits.
Oct 13 02:51:43
"All right... Metody." Choose.
Oct 13 02:51:47 "I like dogs."
Oct 13 02:52:14 * Bella[Loft] (and one day, the Nexus might see -what- she defines as a dog)
Oct 13 02:52:29 "Dare!"
Oct 13 02:53:25 I've never met a dinosaur. They're not my thing.
Oct 13 02:54:09 Oh reeeally. *eyebrow*
Oct 13 02:54:13
A little... Maybe I should head to bed.
Oct 13 02:54:19 See you, Phoenix!
Oct 13 02:54:20 "Goodnight Herr Wright."
Oct 13 02:54:41 Goodnight, Phoenix.
Oct 13 02:54:48 "Sleep well!"
Oct 13 02:54:58 Yeah. They're all big and icky and scaley... Not like rabbits. They're cute and small and fuzzy.
Oct 13 02:55:00 Night Phoenix.
Oct 13 02:55:09 You know there's a rabbit on the moon?
Oct 13 02:55:15 * Tsukino_Usagi never. stops. talking.
Oct 13 02:55:37
Good night everybody.
Oct 13 02:55:45 * Phoenix_Wright heads downstairs and to the siderooms.
Oct 13 02:56:08
"I did not know that, miss, no. Good night, Mr. Wright. Okay, Metody, it seems I'm terribly unoriginal, so you're just going to have to kiss me."
Oct 13 02:56:20 * Bella[Loft] snrks
Oct 13 02:56:35 * Some snorts. Damnit, he wanted to do that one.
Oct 13 02:56:41 * Kurt_loft is sorta blinking at Usagi and the unbanked flow of words.
Oct 13 02:56:49 * Tsukino_Usagi giggles at that.
Oct 13 02:57:03 "I am not surprised at this." She elbows PAt goodnaturedly with her left elbow (habit, more than anything else, even if she's somewhat aware the right wouldn't bother her much)
Oct 13 02:57:17 That is an entirely self-serving dare, Ms. Pat.
Oct 13 02:57:31 * PatLoft smiles. "I deny nothing, sir."
Oct 13 02:57:37 Well, I don't really know if there's one there right now, but every time I'm on there, there's a rabbit. It's what Usagi means. Bunny. *chitter chatter chitter*
Oct 13 02:57:38 "Hush you, Some. It serves me, too." He scrambles across the room, and bows.
Oct 13 02:57:56 "Pat, luminous, brilliant, intimidating Pat - might I kiss you?"
Oct 13 02:58:11 * Bella[Loft] ...idly wonders if Usagi's neverending speech could be used as a power source. Ah, Sparks.
Oct 13 02:58:15 * Some has met Savannah Grey. Your chatter has nothin' on her, Usagi.
Oct 13 02:58:28 * PatLoft grins. "You certainly may." She'll lean in and everything.
Oct 13 02:58:31 * SomaC[Incuby|loft] blinks. Oh he gets the kiss dare!
Oct 13 02:58:45 * Kurt_loft is immune to Savvy's chatter. Usagi is a new sort of chatter.
Oct 13 02:59:31 * Metody wraps around Pat. And while he isn't strong enough to sweep her off her feet, there's a certain amount of leaning involved. And since the kid is gone, it's a rather extended kiss.
Oct 13 03:00:06 * PatLoft will just appreciate the heck out of her unoriginality right now, oh yes.
Oct 13 03:00:06 * Bella[Loft] leans back on her right hand with a quiet little clank.
Oct 13 03:00:26 * Some rolls his eyes, which conveniently leaves him looking at Kurt.
Oct 13 03:00:31 * Tsukino_Usagi is not blushing. Or staring. Or possibly making mental notes.
Oct 13 03:01:26 * SomaC[Incuby|loft] watches, and grins broadly. Oh he's thinking of how to get a kiss.
Oct 13 03:01:45 * Kurt_loft pokes his nose.
Oct 13 03:01:57 * Some gives him a whaaat look.
Oct 13 03:02:09 [...Wow, they're good at holding their breath. Three whole minutes!]
Oct 13 03:02:31 [I want a boyfriend. Maybe a prince? A prince would be nice, but they can be stuck-up.]
Oct 13 03:02:32 * PatLoft was introduced to this game by practically a small orgy in front of Lady Aurelia, or she'd worry if it was acceptable before royalty. She will pull away when metody does!
Oct 13 03:02:52 * Metody seperates, looking utterly innocent. "So! Um. Who goes next?" He's blushing. Fearsomely.
Oct 13 03:02:58 * Kurt_loft would point out that you /can/ breathe while kissing, as long as you don't have a stuffy nose, but he is not psychic.
Oct 13 03:03:07
"Your pick."
Oct 13 03:03:19 * Tsukino_Usagi is not used to kisses beyond quick pecks on the cheek between friends.
Oct 13 03:04:03 * PatLoft is, however, pretty decent at holding her breath, for the record.
Oct 13 03:04:38 * PatLoft will just remain in her spot, /quite/ contentedly
Oct 13 03:04:50 "Um. Heck. Some? Truth or Dare?"
Oct 13 03:05:23 Truth. I've done dare twice.
Oct 13 03:07:24 * Bella[Loft] 's mun returns
Oct 13 03:07:47 * Bella[Loft] stretches lazily.
Oct 13 03:07:52 "In your opinion, what's the most humorous animal and why?"
Oct 13 03:10:37 Octopuses.
Oct 13 03:10:53 And if you've -met- any of them, you'll know why.
Oct 13 03:11:06 "Ach, Inky."
Oct 13 03:11:07 * Bella[Loft] snorks a little
Oct 13 03:11:18 Ach, Pants.
Oct 13 03:11:25 Octopuses are tasty.
Oct 13 03:11:28 * Bella[Loft] ..starts giggling a little,
Oct 13 03:11:30 "Herr Doctorpus was awesome!"
Oct 13 03:11:32 "Giant land squid."
Oct 13 03:11:33 That is very true.
Oct 13 03:11:59 * Metody giggles. "That is an awesome answer. And I must go to bed now."
Oct 13 03:12:00 * PatLoft blinks slightly at 'giant land squid'.
Oct 13 03:12:07 Night!
Oct 13 03:12:10 Night.
Oct 13 03:12:18 "Goodnight Metody."
Oct 13 03:12:19 * Some waves. Night, Met!
Oct 13 03:12:20
"Good night, Metody. Thanks for everything. I'll get back to you about waht we discussed."
Oct 13 03:12:29 "Night!"
Oct 13 03:13:00 "Sorry, but it is something that you would need to actually -see- to get."
Oct 13 03:13:06 * Some looks around for whoever hasn't gone in a while. "Soma?"
Oct 13 03:13:25 "And I'll hold you to that dinner, Metody." She points at him jokingly-accusingly.
Oct 13 03:14:04 Yes?
Oct 13 03:14:17 "Okiedokie." He hapily waves to everyone, and off he goes
Oct 13 03:16:55 Truth or Dare?
Oct 13 03:17:01 Dare.
Oct 13 03:17:36 You made that lovely wedding dress, you really ought to wear it the rest of the game.
Oct 13 03:17:52 * Bella[Loft] snorks a little
Oct 13 03:17:54 Hee!
Oct 13 03:17:56 "Heheheh."
Oct 13 03:18:05 * PatLoft would like to know where Soma will be changing, but restrains herself!
Oct 13 03:18:46 * SomaC[Incuby|loft] looks at the dress, and he starts to untuck his shirt.
Oct 13 03:19:07 * Tsukino_Usagi blinks. He's not... Here?!
Oct 13 03:19:40 Fine. I was hoping for something a little more... daring. *He stands up, and peels the shirt off*
Oct 13 03:19:41 * PatLoft tells herself her conscience is clear at she watches.
Oct 13 03:20:04 * Bella[Loft] blinks finding herself staring as well.
Oct 13 03:20:20 * Tsukino_Usagi turns /crimson/ and covers her eyes. ...And she's totally peeking between her fingers.
Oct 13 03:20:21 * Some looks away.
Oct 13 03:21:04 *has the physique of a fighter, though oddly scarless. He moves as though to unbuckle his belt, but stops - laughing quietly as he examines the paper-dress, how best to pull it on without ripping it*
Oct 13 03:21:16 o_o
Oct 13 03:21:40 * Kurt_loft snorts. Knew he wasn't gonna go all the way.
Oct 13 03:23:59 * Kurt_loft is also mildly surprised at this Some-looking-away business.
Oct 13 03:24:20 *he was sorely tempted though* *He delicately pulls the dress up and off, and slips it on.
Oct 13 03:25:09 There.
Oct 13 03:25:43 * Some looks back, and grins.
Oct 13 03:25:48 * Tsukino_Usagi lets her hands drop and cughs.
Oct 13 03:25:49 *coughs
Oct 13 03:25:53 You got your blushing bride to fall on her back.
Oct 13 03:26:04 It's a nice dress!
Oct 13 03:27:26
"Nice. Yes."
Oct 13 03:27:26 Okay... Bella? Truth or Dare?
Oct 13 03:27:33 "Hmmm."
Oct 13 03:27:52 "Been a bit, and I'm a bit settled here." Vague gesture, "Truth."
Oct 13 03:30:51 Bang, Marry, Kill. If you had to pick one person in this room for eacg category, who would it be and what would they fall under?
Oct 13 03:31:12 * Bella[Loft] blinks.
Oct 13 03:31:41 :<
Oct 13 03:31:47 * Kurt_loft does not want to die!
Oct 13 03:31:56 Would would you marry, who would you just bang, who would you kill? I couldn't find a good third substitute.
Oct 13 03:32:05 ~*._.*~
Oct 13 03:32:22 "Given that there is more than three individuals, I can reuse, correct?" She blinks. Wow, that's a bit of a Question.
Oct 13 03:32:29 ...Yes.
Oct 13 03:32:54
"Why do you need to reuse? You only need three?"
Oct 13 03:33:11 * Some can has Kurt's foot again?
Oct 13 03:33:32 "The way the 'fuck, marry, kill' game usually goes, you give three individuals and then ask someone else to catagorize."
Oct 13 03:33:51 "Although I heard it as the 'fuck, marry, shoot' variety, myself."
Oct 13 03:33:59 I had never played it like that before.
Oct 13 03:34:27
"I bow to your superior expertise in word games about sex marriage and murder."
Oct 13 03:34:54 * Kurt_loft is less a foot now, apparently
Oct 13 03:34:57 This sounds like a loaded question.
Oct 13 03:36:13 * SomaC[Incuby|loft] gives a careless shrug.
Oct 13 03:36:50 * Bella[Loft] is just glad she parsed the translation correctly. "Anyway." She points to Usagi, "Kill--no offense, but I don't know you well enough for the other two" Ticktick, "I'd.. um." She goes a little blushy because this is -awkward-, "Sleep with Pat, Marry Some.. er." Tick, "Kill you, Soma, my apologies again, I don't know you well enough--and possibly marry Kurt as well." Basil is exempt because he is /ordinarily a mouse/. Bella has limits, folks.
Oct 13 03:37:38 ...D:
Oct 13 03:37:43 I don't wanna die!
Oct 13 03:37:43 Fine.
Oct 13 03:38:00 * Kurt_loft blinks at this declaration
Oct 13 03:38:02 * Some blinks, surprised.
Oct 13 03:38:13 * PatLoft is glad that her subcultural sensibilities have been recognized, as she seems to be the only 'just a good lay' in this room.
Oct 13 03:38:13 >__>;
Oct 13 03:38:23 * Bella[Loft] is observant.
Oct 13 03:38:34
"Ask something quick before senshi security is called on you, Bella."
Oct 13 03:38:47 * SomaC[Incuby|loft] goes for his shirt. "Well, I'm going back home. Good night." He tears off the paper.
Oct 13 03:38:51 Oh, don't worry. Makoto's busy punching giant robots in the Nexus.
Oct 13 03:39:17
"Oh? Good for her!" Pat says warmly as she...then stares equally warmly at Soma. "Good night, Soma."
Oct 13 03:39:28 Night!
Oct 13 03:39:31 "Ah. Yes." Whatever a senshi is, "Kurt. Truth or dare." While Ms. Fennix enjoys being the center of attention sometimes, this is not one of those times.
Oct 13 03:39:41 You know, you're the first person in the Nexus to offer to marry me?
Oct 13 03:39:47 * Tsukino_Usagi can fill her head with the Senshi info.
Oct 13 03:40:03 * Kurt_loft is derailed in his thinking process by this news.
Oct 13 03:40:08 "I am?" Blink, "You seem reasonable enough."
Oct 13 03:40:26 "Ahem. Truth."
Oct 13 03:40:34 * PatLoft had been given the impression Some /was/ married.
Oct 13 03:41:15 * PatLoft had a lot of briefings to cover at the time, though.
Oct 13 03:41:15 * Some may as well be, but is technically not.
Oct 13 03:41:28 "But in all honesty--I am not exactly looking for a relationship at the moment." Ohcrap she has to think of a question, "What is something that you are afraid of doing, but -want- to do?"
Oct 13 03:41:32 * Kurt_loft was under that impression as well, actually
Oct 13 03:41:46 :|
Oct 13 03:43:06 Night everyone. *He gives a warm smile as he pulls his shirt back on, and trots downstairs.
Oct 13 03:43:08 * Kurt_loft does not want to answer this question. Uhm, what is something that he is afraid of doing but wants to do and is also okay with talking about in public.
Oct 13 03:43:28 "Go back home. Home-home, not just...here-home."
Oct 13 03:43:34 "Night, Soma."
Oct 13 03:43:50 "To your home reality?"
Oct 13 03:43:51 Bye!
Oct 13 03:44:21 "Goodnight, Soma."
Oct 13 03:44:21 "Ja."
Oct 13 03:44:25 * Bella[Loft] nods
Oct 13 03:45:48
"Well, Kurt. Your turn."
Oct 13 03:46:07 * Bella[Loft] leans back on her mechanical hand again with a soft clank
Oct 13 03:46:10 * Some squeezes Kurt's foot. It's like a hug.
Oct 13 03:46:20 "You again," Usagi you are doomed to Kurt qustions. "Truth or Dare?"
Oct 13 03:46:34 Um. Dare!
Oct 13 03:48:45 "I dare you to end every sentence from now on with 'I have spoken, let it be so!'"
Oct 13 03:49:17 ((XD))
Oct 13 03:49:23 * Some snorts.
Oct 13 03:49:56 Well, that doesn't sound so hard. I have spoken, let it be so! And...
Oct 13 03:50:01 ...
Oct 13 03:50:22 "Oh, boy."
Oct 13 03:50:30 * Kurt_loft grins!
Oct 13 03:50:42
"Your turn, now, miss."
Oct 13 03:50:54 * Tsukino_Usagi stares at the clock. "I've got a few more minutes. I have spoken, Let it be so! Um. Some, you will choose Truth or Dare! I have spken, let it be so!"
Oct 13 03:51:07 * PatLoft smiles.
Oct 13 03:51:11 * Some giggles. "All right, dare."
Oct 13 03:51:13 * Kurt_loft gives Some an armpat and stands up, getting ready to go
Oct 13 03:51:33 What, you're leaving too?
Oct 13 03:51:40 "Yep."
Oct 13 03:51:50 I dare you to... Um. Wear a pair of googley eyes for the rest of the game. I HAVE SPOKEN, LET IT BE SO! Ha.
Oct 13 03:52:03 I really have to wear these shades...
Oct 13 03:52:18 "Put the googly eyes on there. It'll be great. The kids will love it!"
Oct 13 03:52:23 "Night everyone!"
Oct 13 03:52:27
"Good night."
Oct 13 03:52:28 Goodnight, Kurt.
Oct 13 03:52:32 ...Over the shades?
Oct 13 03:52:33 "Goodnight."
Oct 13 03:52:47 I can draw googly eyes on these?
Oct 13 03:52:51 That works!
Oct 13 03:53:08 * Some will do that, closing his eyes to take them off and draw the googles on by touch.
Oct 13 03:53:28 Oops. I have spoken, let it be so. And. I've gotta run, too! Spoken, letting it be so, running away, that is GOODBYEEEEEE!
Oct 13 03:53:32 * Tsukino_Usagi flees down the stairs.
Oct 13 03:54:08 * Some puts the googled shades back on, and raises an eyebrow at Pat and Bella. "And then there were three."
Oct 13 03:54:11 "Hm, well then."
Oct 13 03:54:12 * Kurt_loft bamfs!
Oct 13 03:54:14 "So there were."
Oct 13 03:54:28 Not enough for the game?
Oct 13 03:55:08 "Likely not, at this point." She stretches.
Oct 13 03:56:20 * Some stretches out.
Oct 13 03:56:23 * PatLoft does nod approvingly at the shades, though.
Oct 13 03:56:54
"It's been a nice evening."
Oct 13 03:56:59 "Mhm."
Oct 13 03:57:09 Mmmmhm.
Oct 13 03:59:50 "Very fun game." she grins.
Oct 13 04:01:32
"Yes. I hope Soma recovers soon. Trying to be decent and safety-conscious about his LOL situation is getting a bit tricky."
Oct 13 04:02:26 "Here's hoping, he looked as if he was having issues as it was."
Oct 13 04:16:25 * PatLoft rises, nods to them both, "I should head out. Good night."
Oct 13 04:16:37 * PatLoft goes over to the ladder now and shall head out.
Oct 13 04:16:40 * PatLoft is now known as Rahne42
Oct 13 04:17:05 "Goodnight. And I should be going as well. Goodnight, Some."

pc: some (grue_some), pc: allistar (memorysurvives), pc: kurt wagner (allican_take), pc: usagi (hope_in_crystal), pc: jake (hollowmanjake), pc: basil (detective_mouse), pc: eddie (edsidlemirth), pc: phoenix wright (wright_idea), pc: dib (myheadisnotbig), places: #theloft, pc: pat (aureliaofarista), pc: soma (soma_crucifix), logposts

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