OOC - Bella's success die for construction:

Oct 03, 2008 23:04

This uses a standard d20, usually used through Darkmyst's gameserv. There may be other modifiers for situations, but I haven't decided them yet. This is just for general things. This is to keep to the chaotic nature of Girl Genius's sparky form of *SCIENCE!* as well as achieve some semblance of balance in Bella's ability to construct things, so that she's not always succeeding, but not always failing, either.

To note: If the plot requires her to succeed or fail, this will be disregarded as needed.

20 - Critical success, Bella warps the laws of nature somewhat to complete whatever it is she's constructing. It will work unnaturally well at what it does, and through normal use, it generally will not break down for a very long time. (Examples: Ding)

19 - Bella succeeds as high as possible within the laws of nature. The device works exceptionally well, and is otherwise normal for a piece of Sparky technology.

18 - Slightly less than 19, the item may be slightly easier to break.

17 - A bit less than above, etc.

16 - A bit less than above.

15 - Whatever it is works, but may require maintaining for constant use. (Example: Bella's mechanical limbs, her arm in particular, and to a lesser extent, her leg, her v2 portal device)

14 - success, but may not work well

13 - above

12 - above

11 - Whatever she constructs works, for a given value of working. However, it may be prone to breaking down until she makes a newer version or repairs it.

10 - No change, this either means she's not finished repairing it or building it. Otherwise, reroll if needed.

9 - Item fails to work, completely salvageable, problem is obvious and fairly easy to fix (This generally doesn't require a reroll)

8 - Item fails to work, salvageable, solution to fix is slightly less obvious.

7 - Item fails to work, mostly salvageable, solution isn't entirely obvious and may require a reroll.

6 - Item fails to work, somewhat salvageable, solution isn't obvious and may require a reroll.

5 - Item fails to work, about half of it is salvageable, solution isn't obvious aside from the parts damaged in the failing.

4 - Fails to work, less than half is salvageable, aside from damaged parts of initial activation, solution isn't obvious without a reroll

3 - Fails to work, even less is salvageable, what went wrong may be obvious, but it's impossible to fix without reconstruction.

2 - Fails to work, is damaged, maybe salvageable, what went wrong may be obvious, but most of it needs to be rebuilt.

1 - Critical failure: Item fails to work in a generally explosive manner, none of it's salvageable except for what little may or may not survive the explosion (Example: v1 Portal device).

By 'reroll', I reroll a d20 and decide from that.

information: bella's success die, inventions, sparkyness, ooc notes

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