Frustrated, incorporated~

May 27, 2007 11:56

gnfhrgnf. Dammit! I fix my sleep schedule only to pull another all-nighter once inspiration hits... and now I'm stuck since my workshop's not a good place for impact testing and I'm not gonna be caught dead in the same building as Toji, I don't know if I modified the wave variance right so that the shield still activates around the entire body or if it's just around the threatened area... in addition, how the hell are you supposed to test an environmental hazard sensor? It was easy to test with Pecan because of all the times she'd run into the coffee table as a little girl, but she's of the age now that she knows what she's doing and doesn't fumble around like a baby learning to walk...

Damn it damn it damn it! I'm so damn close to making something marketable, but I can't fucking test it! Anyone here good with the physics of solid energy barriers and the like got any ideas? (eggmanbenedict, I'm mostly looking at you and my own world's Ivo, but if any of my younger selves have some ideas on how to run safety tests...)

I guess since I've done all the initial modifications, the QA can wait until I get some sleep, but still. Damn! So frustrating...

inventions, stream of consciousness, pengie

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