Movies, Music, and Art

Sep 17, 2009 14:23

Been a little busy lately, and I have the photos to prove it!

On Monday I was down in Bloomington, Indiana for a movie shoot. They're doing a self-described "no-budget" zombie movie that includes a roller derby, zombies (naturally...or unnaturally?), and my car. Not long after I found out about the shoot, the director sent out a message asking if anyone had "a cool, old car" for one particular scene. I do, so I replied. Here the gents are getting the scene set up for microphone and camera positioning. I have tons more pictures, but haven't had time to go through them all yet. My brother, who races the car with me, was very awesome in loading up the car on the trailer and taking a ton of his workday off to help out with transporting the car. We shot at an abandoned stone cutting facility. Bloomington was well-known for its limestone quarries many years ago, and still maintains some in the area, though they used to be more prevalent. Another movie entitled "Breaking Away" was shot there back around the 70s. I swam in the quarry where one of the scenes for that movie was filmed.

Any rate, we had a great time, and they got all the footage they needed. There was some fake blood involved, as well as some grip-assisted shaking of the car required. That's the first time anyone has been killed in this car, and I have to say it was good times!

On Tuesday night my friend Jem came over to do some more drawing with me. The previous week we had come very close to finishing both drawings. I finished mine, but she had a little left to do on hers. A few days later she picked up the art and pencils to finish hers on her own so we could start fresh this week. Above is the picture of both finished works when she brought hers back this week. It was really gratifying to see two finished works sitting there on the table.

We glowed about that for a few minutes, and then went, "Well, what now?" I had suggested last week that maybe we do a different shape rather than plain old rectangles, and she was kind of jazzed about that, so we went with it. I cut the paper at an angle and split it into two triangles, then the pens came out and we went to work.

After about 2 1/2 hours we had....this!

I'm pretty surprised we got so far in the drawing this time, and so was Jem. We guessed that last time it took us at least another hour, maybe an hour and a half to get to the same point. Our skilz are obviously improving! I'm pretty friggin' happy about these. It think they both look kickass, and they're going to be hell/fun filling with color! We were both looking at this article in Juxtapoz magazine on this guy, Mars-1. He does stuff that's a little abstract and ethereal-looking, and I think it was giving both of us ideas. I'm really excited to see what happens with these. Unfortunately, Jem is going on vacation next week, so there will be no work on them until the following week, dammit!

Lastly, I bring you a somewhat random picture of a somewhat random collection of albums I have lying in my living room. Well, they're stacked up now, but they were lying on the floor when I shot this. I can't claim to have listened to ever track on all of them (I'm not cool enough to have listened to all of Jerry Reed's "Lord, Mr. Ford,"), but I've listened to all of most of them, and a bit of the others. This is stuff that kicks around in my head and somehow makes me sound the way I do with the band. I don't understand how that works, but I know it's true. Just a little visual trivia for ya.

movies, music, colored pencils, drawing, art, springsteen, albums, zombies

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