Fourth new sculpture with video in four weeks! Title: Lunar Walk

Mar 12, 2014 23:56

Dudes! So late, so tired! Must. Post. To. LJ.

I go the distance for y'all. Truths.

Gotta make this short, 'cause it's past my bedtime, but I got yet another sculpture done and the video put together for the fourth week in a row. This requires a demanding schedule and strict adherence to things like, well, only doing art mostly. However, since that's what I want to do with my life, this isn't really all that bad. I do forget to do things like shop for groceries sometimes, though. However, I plan for those emergencies by keeping a cabinet stocked with Ramen. When the zombie apocalypse hits, people will realize it was one of the greatest foodstuffs ever created.

But forget that. I made art, people! This thing is so cool! I got to do some stretching out. I went for some new designs and made something super cool and fun to look at even when it's standing still, but it also moves, so BONUS!

You wanna see it? Done! Please give it a generous helping of thumbs-ups, shares and comments on ye olde Youtube. It is a huge help to me in spreading the word about my art to those who may be interested. Thank you for all your help and support!

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stainless, video, rube goldberg, rolling ball sculpture, up wayyyyyy too late, finishing stuff, being awesome, lunar walk

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