I'm really stoked to report that one of my sculptures, Clouded Moon, just sold! I built it specifically for an art/gift shop in my neighborhood as an experiment. First, to see if a shop would actually want to display my work, and second to see how well it might do in a shop. Well, they did want me stuff, so that was a win, and I was able to complete the piece in a very short time frame (I think it was two or three weeks?). It did take a year for it to sell, but I am just happy that someone liked it enough to take it home with them. A woman bought it as a gift for her husband.
Here's the piece:
Click to view
So, more of my work is out there in the world. I just need to keep at it. I have been very busy reworking the basement these past couple weeks. It has even moved up into the main part of the house. I realized that if I moved two heating registers upstairs that I could reconfigure the duct work in the basement and add tons of headroom in one area that was being sort of wasted, or at least felt unusable. So, now I am moving the stove and a big book case and making sawdust and whatnot, but it will get done soon enough, and basement will be all the more awesome for it. I do believe that these changes will make me enjoy my work more and cause an increase in my productivity and my general mood in working down there. It hasn't been terrible, but it has been cluttered, and even I am starting to get annoyed by it. It is time I take care of my surroundings and visually prove that I am really serious about my work.
Soon as I get this cleanup stuff done I'll be making another video of a sculpture I just finished for a client. I get so jazzed about finishing work! One more piece for my portfolio! They say you should really have at least 18 to 20 pieces for a portfolio, that those numbers represent a mental tipping point for people considering you as an amateur versus a professional. I can't wait to hit that number! I'm serious about my work!