I want to write in my livejournal. It would be nice. But lately, I haven't liked anything I have to say. I'm a little sick of my writing style, which I guess is because I haven't read anything inspiring language-wise in a year.
I did read From Boys to Men, becuase my favorite blogger Michael McAllister wrote a piece for it (which is, unfortunately, my least favorite piece in the book. I can't even read the right blogs. Jeezums). It's all stories about gay boy seedlings laying down their limp-wristed roots and blooming into gay male dandelions. Of the ten or twenty stories within, very few of them involve coming out of the closet, which I feel is what 90% of gay youth books are about. The most interesting stories involve one about a boy growing up who writes his own soap opera storylines, weaving his real life and his desired life in and out of each other with melodramatic plot twists, and another story about how one identical twin abused the other for being so effeminate, and the genuine resentment he felt towards his twin for showing the perceived homosexuality that he feared in himself.
A friend of mine picked up the book and was instantly offended by the prologue, which described the book as a picture of the rose-colored lens gay men view the world through. He was offended at the thought that gay men have a different thought process than straight men, and thought that we were all the same. However, I think history makes all the difference in someone's perception. If I can say that my world view is altered by being biracial, it would be cowardly of me to say that my world view isn't also altered by being gay.
I don't really want this to turn into another one of my treatises about the folly of gay men. I could go on. I think everyone on my friends page knows that by now.
I tried to proofread my last story, the one about the kid who has a nightmare that haunts him in his waking life that's really about love because I'm a huge fucking hack, but I can't look at it without cringing at the language used. Plus, no one else wants to proofread it for me because it's something like twenty-five pages long(double spaced, at least). Twenty-five pages is the longest a conclusive story of mine has ever meandered, so there's enough grammatical & descriptive loose ends and what not to ... I don't know. Do whatever one does with a lot of loose ends. I'm actually a little disappointed with the story, but I think that's mostly because I haven't the balls to go in and hit it with a hammer 'til it's good.
It worked on my first wife.
At any rate.
If someone reminds me to write in my livejournal more often, I will get them cookies. No lie, tru' 'nuff. Any cookies they......... desireeeee~.