Merlin S5 | MerlinOfficial: 05.07 pics

Nov 16, 2012 18:08

[Gwen/Arthur/Merlin - not particularly spoilery but better safe than sorry]click for big

Think Arthur could do with some relationship advice this week - don't take your manservant along for a ROMANTIC picnic!

It's Arthur and Gwen's wedding anniversary tomorrow - who can spot the third wheel?!

[this one's more spoilery as it features a 05.07 guest star]

Coming up in Saturday's episode... do you recognise this face? 'Like' if you

merlin: series 5, merlin: s5 stills, actress: angel coulby, warning: spoiler(s), actor: bradley james, actor: colin morgan, merlin: guest star(s), merlinofficial is fail, media: picture(s), merlin: 05.07

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