The epic fifth series of fantasy drama Merlin continues on BBC One this weekend and darkness steals into the very heart of Camelot, as Morgana and her puppet Queen hatch a sinister plan to murder the King. As the plot thickens and reaches its deadly climax, can a suspicious Merlin unravel the truth before it’s too late?
'A Lesson in Vengeance' airs at 8pm on Saturday 17 November on BBC One. To whet your appetite, here are ten hints for the episode...
» ‘What would you know about the King and my dumplings?’
» Who will ruminates on red thread? » Expect the return of a couple of old faces. » A surprising inclination towards cross-dressing will be expressed. » How will Morgana deal with poor customer service? » Who will be interrupted checking for holes? » Are Camelot’s guards provided by G4S? » ‘I would not let that happen. I would lay down my life to protect you.’ » Who will deliver heart-felt bedside pep talk?
Following on from the events inside the Dark Tower, Morgana finds herself in a unique position of power - having a Camelot insider under her spell - and now the pair hatch a plot to murder Arthur.
But when stable-hand Tyr Seward (played by Game of Thrones actor John Bradley) finds himself accused of the attempt on the young king’s life, he threatens to ruin Morgana’s deadly plans. Can a suspicious Merlin unravel the truth before it is too late?