click for full size They besiege the castle of 'Merlin'
For ten days, the castle of Pierrefonds (Oise) is never empty. Visitors by the hundreds from England, Belgium and all over France visit this medieval gem. But many of them are especially attending the filming of 'Merlin', a British television series that tells the youth of the mythical wizard and is a hit in Britain.
So much, that Scott and Cherryl came specially from Brighton in England with their three children who're wearing T-shirts bearing images of the series. "We had already visited the castle a few months ago. We went back for the filming because in Britain you can't access the actors so easily," they explain.
Broadcasts on TNT, 'Merlin' also attracts French fans. "We come from Belgium and Monaco. We were made aware via a discussion forum dedicated to Merlin and we decided to spend a week in Pierrefonds for filming," Alexandra and Carole explain, thirtysomethings, unconditional [fans ?] of the show that's been filming in the castle since 2008.
>> Too bad for the silence during filming <<
Each year, in June, the actors come to France to shoot sequences of the series in this place, renovated in the nineteenth century by Viollet-le-Duc, which is the archetype of the romantic castle. Initially, the shooting lasted up to three months in Pierrefonds. With experience and for budgetary reasons, the producers reduced the time spent in France. "Some small interior rooms have been rebuilt in the studio. We mainly come here to shoot exterior scenes or in the throne room," resumes Claude Albouze.
However, it's not easy to work in the presence of fans of the series. After each filming sequence they're flashing their cameras and the actors emerge, a flock of admirers around them. "I was on the road at half past five and came from Duex-Sevres to meet the actors. And when you see the availability of Colin Morgan who plays the role of Merlin, we don't regret coming here", Lydia and Anne-Laure explain. "I saw the knights and I'm also in love with Arthur," they enthuse... Arthur, 4, came from Cergy-Pontoiase.
So much for the tranquility of the shooting. "We accept that the filming takes place in Pierrefonds because it's provided that the rest of the monument is open to the public and that no filming takes place on weekends, so as not to disturb visitors," says Eva Grangier-Menu, the administrator of the castle. The producers may nonetheless preempt rooms for some scenes shot in camera. "We seek the right balance, because we must recognise that Merlin contributes to the notoriety of the place. The proportion of British visitors has increased notably and we had 150.000 visitors last year. It's estimated that the shooting leads to an additional 15% of visitors", Eva Grangier-Menu rejoices. "It also gives the castle a link to the present, thanks to Merlin, the castle has come alive."
[Any help to improve the quality of the translation would be much appreciated. Merci! ♥]