At the Monte Carlo Film Festival on June 10th, Katie was interviewed by Italian website
Telefilm Central. She talks about Merlin S4, working with Madonna and James Bond and why Colin thinks she doesn't get recognised in the UK.
WARNING: interview contains slight S4 spoilers!
Oh my, this translation's brought to you by me and google, I hope I didn't mess up too much (I can only order pizza in Italian, not actually speak the language O_o). Pointing out any horrible mistakes would be much appreciated. :)
Merlin comes with the Knights in Season 4! << THAT'S WHAT GOOGLE SAYS, OH YES!
First of all let me say that Katie McGrath was the most adorable person among all the actors I've interviewed at the Monte-Carlo TV Festival, the interview seemed really a chat with a friend about their work.
Katie revealed what we can expect in the upcoming season of Merlin, after the shock of the final of series 3, the triumphant return to the Knights and the cast in series 4 will be enriched by actors like Gemma Jones, Phil Davis and Nathaniel Parker.
First of all let me ask this question: a few months ago it was said that Merlin would take a year off before the fourth season, to cope with the [financial] crisis ..
Absolutely not! We're shooting in recent days the fourth season. And it is wonderful! Don't worry, we're not going anywhere.
Oh well, this is good news.
What were the biggest challenges for you when you started to study acting?
The acting in general was very hard! [Laughs] I remember my very first day on set, the director of course was aware of taking a person who had no experience and was petrified, he saw how nervous I was and reassured me, "Don't worry, everything will be fine: there is no dialogue in this scene, all you have to do is enter the scene, find your mark and the light, look in that direction and you'll be fine. "And I, bewildered:" Ok, what is a mark? "I had no idea what were the lights, nothing. And Merlin taught me everything from technical stuff to acting, everything. And I could not ask for more, an environment so welcoming and the members of the crew are great people. And Merlin is one of those shows where the BBC gather the best new talent, the crème de la crème of British actors.
During the third season we got more and more clues about the changes of Morgana's character, did you know you'd travel a road from which there's no turning back?
It was hard not to, to be honest, because you already know what Morgana will become at the end and then every scene the laws according to a certain key, like any other input that will help transform her into being bad (I actually I don't think that she's evil, but that's another story). And the authors are so smart, they have a plan set for five seasons so they know exactly what they do, but it's hard not to find those moments of darkness and I like that very much.
Lately there are many series and movies fantasty of vampires, witches, etc.., What do you think is the reason for this mass phenomenon?
Serious answer: I think that in tough times like these, the public does not want to watch a drama series in which the protaognists worry about how to pay the mortgage when the public itself is facing the same problem. And then you have series such as Merlin, Game of Thrones, Camelot and The Vampire Diaries, which are so different and distant from reality that you rely on them to escape from the worries of everyday life, and you see these characters facing dragons, goblins, but at the same time they are so real that you can identify with them easily. Merlin, after all, talking about these guys that are struggling to grow up and face their new responsibilities. And I think this is the secret of the success of Merlin: even if it's only for an hour the show allows you to not think about the bills you have to pay, you can still identify with the characters you love and follow on TV, but you don't detach yourself completely from real life. And that's probably why there are numerous fantasy series.
Earlier you mentioned that Arthur, of course, becomes king of Camelot, sooner or later. Does the fact that Tony Head is now starring in another American series mean something ..?
It does not necessarily mean what you think, no worries. It 'funny because I spoke with a gentleman first of how the show will change next season: if you've seen beyond the first season you understand how the series will become ever stronger, and the fourth season is really huge. The cast has grown, we have the Knights of the Round Table, and just because the some cast members have a reduced screentime, decreased for all and for this is a reason why there's a greater freedom for some to take on other projects. So Merlin will not give you what you expect, do not worry.
Are you following some other projects?
Last year I shot a film with Madonna about Wallis Simpson and King of England and it was fucking fantastic! And I just finished shooting a film with Roger Moore, who would think of me working with James Bond? For a girl who was only assistant to the wardrobe and now worked in one year with James Bond, Madonna and Anthony Head, geek-out it's brilliant!
But they are very understanding, there are 8 months of filming, but it still leaves a lot of freedom to do other things in addition to the show. And then, as I said, the cast is made larger, especially with the arrival of the Knights of the Round Table. It actually is quite nice because you have this group of guys that are quite "feminine" [laughs] because they are actors, and those are all adorable and beautiful hair, then again become virile during lunch break to play football and then come back .. still in the makeup room it's rather strange. [Laughs] But they are a great group of friends and it's nice to see them together, and if you have seen the finale of the third season you'll understand that sense of camaraderie, and the fourth season will revolve largely on this, the Knights and the relationship between them.
If you could have one magical power what would it be and what would you do?
All. I want them all because I want to rule the world! Many say "I want to fly" but no, I want them all! Basically, the power of X-Men Rogue, stealing the powers of others with a touch-and-go, with the exception of that little problem she kills those she touches. [Laughs]
Did you have some strange encounters with the fans?
I am not very often recognised in England. Perhaps because people don't expect to see me in jeans and t-shirts. Colin says that "Katie is not recognised because she's always wearing a hat or cap and huge sunglasses."
While when I came here [to Monte Carlo] people were screaming my name and wanted pictures ... I can't get used to the idea that people from other countries watch the show, even though I'm perfectly aware that it's on air just about anywhere .. I do not know, maybe it's better not think about it. One day I was in a bar in Romania and a guy approached me and sayd "I'll just have to say, you look very much like that actress of Merlin."
But I appreciate the fact I can go shopping without being recognised everywhere, I work in a beautiful, successful series but at the same time I still have my private life.
Interview by Valentina for Telefilm Central