[fic rec] REC-A-LOT & icon!pimp

Oct 01, 2009 13:52

Wow, there are a few things I'd like to rec today. Mostly fic but also icons.

WARNING: the icon pimp contains 2 icons/animations from episode 2.02 as a teaser!

1/ Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead by dozybean
PG for drunk!everyone and references to sex - both het and slash / ~ 3.1K
Genre: crack!fic - bloody brilliant crack!fic :D
Setting/Pairing: modern AU - Merlin/Cpt. Jack Harkness/TEN
summary/warnings: Takes place after series 3 of Doctor Who (pay no attention to the Bad Wolf behind the curtain). series 2 of Torchwood (Children of Earth never happened. Torchwood remains my happy - only faintly angsty - place. And, yes, if you take CoE into account, Torchwood series 2 was comparitively angst-free), and series 1 of Merlin (although, being future!fic, there aren't really any spoilers)

My facit: :D :D :D :D :D & *gigglehiccup*

2/ Please and Thank You by slashweaver
NC-17 / ~ 1.3K
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
summary: Merlin is surprised to find that Arthur has learned how to say ‘Please’.
warning: Season two spoilers, though not really anything significant.

My facit: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ & NGGGGGHHHHHHH & *goosebump*

3/ Wanderlust by schmooop
PG-13 / ~ 2.8K
Pairing: Bradley/Colin
excerpt: Like birds in flight, they headed west.
notes: for that prompt on the kinkmeme -- Bradley/Colin, trip to New York. Or just travelling during the off season

My facit: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ & *happy sigh*

4/ Merlin 201a/b codas by derryere
Pairing: M/A preslash
summary: A) Emo Merlin, You Are Emo | B) Sit Down Child And Let Uncle Arthur Explain To You Why He's Such A World-Class A-Hole

My facit: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ & THIS!, ESPECIALLY CODA B! :D

5/ Take a Breath and pull the Air in by schmooop
NC-17 / ~2.9K
Pairing: Bradley/Colin
summary: They drink fresh orange juice on the patio where the light of the morning falls across their faces and a cool breeze gusts into their hair.

My facit: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ & OH BOYS, YOU MAKE MY HEART MELT!

6/ sequanne's muse is back and she made 2 awesome icon batches!
#1 is HERE - 43 series 2 icons [SPOILER]
I'm always in awe about her colouring! ❤

#2 is HERE - 5 animated icons and 5 matching sidebar animations [SPOILER]
Made of so much golden win, check them out! \0/


both © by sequanne

pairing: arthur/merlin, rating: nc-17, rec: fic, rec: icon, warning: spoiler(s), rating: pg-13, genre: au, genre: rps, genre: slash, rating: pg, rating: g, pairing: bradley/colin

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