Sep 26, 2009 11:05
pairing: arthur/merlin,
character: arthur,
rating: nc-17,
rec: fic,
character: merlin,
rating: pg-13,
character: colin morgan,
actor: bradley james,
genre: slash,
genre: rps,
character: bradley james,
pairing: bradley/colin
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And I just printed that first story out to read some time over the weekend :) I am still head over heels in love with her "honeysuckle weeks", so I know I will love this one as well!
Seeing your mood icon and the mood I now am imagining Merlin and Nimueh bitching about LJ *snickers* Although sorry LJ is being a bitch again, it is slow as a snail for me for days :/
I hate it, when this happens and I hate that I was just so stupid. :(
Anyway, YAY for 26 icons, I'm so happy for you! *huggles*
Oh dear, the new challenge looks sooooo tempting - you just chose some of the most amazing pics of Bradley EVER. *hyperventilates*
Well, maybe it's *points at icon* or so? :P
*g* I carefully selected the pictures in a long process while risking my health *nods* So I am very glad they are tempting you, it's all part of the evil pan to get everyone to enter ;D
Or it is destiny, as you say XD
ALWAYS! *swears more* But this one angers me specifically as it was a lengthy comment, very, very detailed because the fic was somewhat 'complicated' and I wanted to explain what I think and why. IT'S UNFAIR! *cries*
Oh yes, I can totally imagine you risking your health - I do that gratefully on a daily basis, I couldn't survive without staring at pretty Bradley pics every 5 minutesnow and then... AND IT IS TEMPTING, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! :P
It is, I'm sure! *nods*
It is somehow a pleasure risking our health like this, isn't it? I mean, I only have to click on my flist any given day and I get provided with health risking beauties :) And with that Breakfast BBC thingie it was a double risk, what with Colin being there in about every second picture as well ;P Or a triple risk, considering seeing those two together make my heart jump even more irregular than seeing just one of them. They risks we take upon us in loving those boys ♥
OMG, I need to go to Rewe! Just got a MMS from Keddi with a picture of Merlin biscuits bought at Rewe. /totally random, that just made me grin like a loon right now
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