thernohcharity Wishing @ripple_p @James_Phelps @Mattdavelewis @RupertFYoung @BradleyJames all the very best for Sunday’s David Holmes Cricket Cup! [tweet from Aug 20th]
alicejoanie Yes that's #bradleyjames #fangirlmoment [pic posted on Aug 24th]
According to his shirt, Bradley played for Team Gryffindor again, no info whether the team won/lost (they always won in previous years) or if Rupert was also there. On the website of the
David Holmes Cricket Cup, pictures of Bradley and Rupert Young with actors of the Harry Potter movies franchise from previous years can be found.
L to R: [2011] Rupert ♦ [2012] Bradley & Rupert ♦ [2013] Bradley & Rupert ♦ [unknown year] Bradley & Rupert