Merlin S5 | Compilation of US press releases w/ Bradley/Colin/Angel/Katie interview bits

May 30, 2013 13:19

I've compiled a post of all the S5 US press release Angel/Bradley/Colin/Katie interview bits (via articles released on SciFiAndTvTalk).

He explains: “Rupert is the quickest witted, Owen is the most ridiculous, Adetomiwa is a misunderstood scholar, and Tom is hilarious because he has a vulnerable side that he’s not afraid of in anyway, and he gets himself into certain situations that are priceless because of that vulnerability. If you want a joke, though, head in Rupert’s direction.”

James says the four actors were joined by Merlin himself in off-screen antics. “Along with Colin, we’ve had such a great time being together.There’s always a lot of laughter, making up songs, playing practical jokes, all of that just spontaneously happens when you spend a lot of time together.”
[click to read]05.01 'Arthur's Bane, Part 1'

“Camelot is under threat once again,” explains Angel Coulby, whose portrayal of Queen Guinevere is one of the most startling changes immediately apparent in this first episode. “Gwen has been left to look after the kingdom while Arthur goes away. Everything that has happened to Gwen has been working up to this point.”

Adds Katie McGrath, who plays Morgana, “In Season Five, Gwen is now the Guinevere of legend” - and, as for Morgana herself: “The period between Seasons Four and Five is the most important character-defining time for Morgana. Everything she has feared about being magical has come to pass - she has been discovered, she has been locked in a dungeon, and the fact that it did has helped push her down the road to her own destiny. This has given her the extra push to be even more malevolent.”

Game of Thrones actor Liam Cunningham co-stars in 'Arthur’s Bane, Part 1' as Ruadan, whose hatred of Camelot makes him a perfect match for the evil Morgana.

05.02 'Arthur's Bane, Part 2'

As the episode progresses, Mordred’s allegiances are called into question, and his magical (and secret) nature stands in strong parallel to Merlin’s own life. This comparison between Merlin’s magical nature and Mordred’s resonate throughout the episode - and this final season of Merlin.

“Because of the significance of what having magic means, the gravitas of that, it makes sense Merlin has never said anything to Arthur,” said Bradley James. “I don’t think it’s ever been about Merlin lying to Arthur - I think it’s been about the safety of Merlin, not to mention the safety of the kingdom.”

But now, years after Arthur helped spare his life under the rule of Arthur’s father, the former King Uther, Mordred has returned … and with him comes the uncertainty of whether he can be trusted.

“Alexander Vlahos is just extraordinary,” says Colin Morgan. “He’s come into the series very late in the game, but brought with him a completely realized character. Alex really understands who Mordred is - and its exciting to see what he does with the character all throughout this final season.”

05.03 'The Death Song of Uther Pendragon'

Over the first three-plus seasons of Merlin, James and Head developed a strong bond not unlike their on-screen father-son relationship. James was particularly pleased to have Head back on set for this special episode.

“It was really nice to have Tony back for a bit,” James explained. “I think it seemed a bit weird for him, but he fit back in, and the father-son dynamic went right back. It was good to see him, good to work with him again. I know he missed people, and I think the novelty of coming back was something he was pleased to do.”

As relatively young actors when the series began, James and the rest of the core Merlin cast were perfectly balanced with the veteran presence of the savvy and sage Head and Richard Wilson, who plays Gaius. James said the two seasoned actors were always present and available to James and his castmates.

“Tony didn’t have quite enough time during filming the episode to emanate any pearls of wisdom, but that’s the beauty of Tony and Richard - they would never force their words of wisdom on you,” recalls James. “Everybody’s got advice, everybody’s got opinions, and I think it’s a very respectable trait to only use them in necessary moments. Anthony and Richard are very experienced, especially from a professional, industry point of view, and they half-said things that helped me rather than going blindly into that abyss.

“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone into a situation and thought, ‘Ah, this is what Anthony and Richard were talking about.’ They are great resources, and I appreciate them both.”

05.04 'Another's Sorrow'

Merlin fans have become accustomed to lead actor Colin Morgan’s transformations to his elder version, Emrys. This Friday night, it’s Katie McGrath’s turn in a prosthetic mask as Morgana disguises herself to move freely about Camelot.

“Everybody says ‘You got to do prosthetics’ like it’s the most amazing thing - but I have to admit that I was massively allergic, and it was very painful,” McGrath recalls. “Colin is so good at it, and they’ve done it for so many years with Colin, that I think they just expected they’d put it on me and it would all be fine.

“Instead, I got very sick and it really was not pleasant. Then, everybody was wonderful about it, making sure I wasn’t in the prosthetic for too long and that I got resting periods.”

McGrath said that, as she never quite understood the degree of difficulty to act behind a false face, she developed even greater respect for her friend Morgan’s acting ability.

“What you don’t realize is that acting in a prosthetic really does sap your energy,” McGrath said. “You’re exhausted by it. You’re constantly aware of something on your face. Colin was really good about telling me how it works and how the subtle movements on your face don’t translate, so you almost have to over-do everything because you’re moving your face and then that’s moving something on top. Small movements don’t work, so it’s a completely different way of acting.”

And what did McGrath think of her appearance?

“I actually resembled my grandmother,” she said with a laugh, “which was really weird.”

05.05 'The Disir'

Bradley James, who portrays Arthur, says that for the series’ five seasons, his favorite aspect of Merlin has been the camaraderie and friendship built amongst he and the actors portraying the core group of Knights.

“Hanging out with the lads has been such a blessing - they’re a great bunch of guys who are all so very different from each other that we’ve banded together brilliantly,” James says. “As far as the knights went, everybody brings his own individual style to it, no two are the same. Each brings something different to the table in a weird and wonderful way.

He explains: “Rupert is the quickest witted, Owen is the most ridiculous, Adetomiwa is a misunderstood scholar, and Tom is hilarious because he has a vulnerable side that he’s not afraid of in anyway, and he gets himself into certain situations that are priceless because of that vulnerability. If you want a joke, though, head in Rupert’s direction.”

James says the four actors were joined by Merlin himself in off-screen antics. “Along with Colin, we’ve had such a great time being together.There’s always a lot of laughter, making up songs, playing practical jokes, all of that just spontaneously happens when you spend a lot of time together.”

05.06 'The Dark Tower'

The lead actresses in Merlin - Katie McGrath as Morgana and Angel Coulby as Gwen - shared a great deal of screen time during the series’ initial two seasons. But when Morgana turned villainous, the pair parted. The Dark Towerbrings McGrath and Coulby happily back together for a not-so-gleeful story arc that keeps them linked in a fascinating turn.

“We’ve always said we wanted to work more together, and finally they’ve given us the chance,” Coulby said. “With the entire change in the dynamics of the Gwen-Morgana relationship now being opposing forces, it’s made working together that much more exciting.”

For McGrath, their time together tops anything that’s come before. “These new scenes have been our best scenes of the whole five years,” says McGrath. “We’re no longer ward to the king and her maid, we’re no longer the friends we were - there’s an adversarial aspect to it all now. That’s made for some real, meaty scenes for us. It’s great.”

05.07 'A Lesson in Vengeance'

In the episode, darkness steals into the very heart of Camelot as Morgana (Katie McGrath) and her puppet queen hatch a sinister plan to murder King Arthur (Bradley James). But stable hand Tyr Seward becomes caught in the crossfire and threatens to ruin everything. As the plot reaches its deadly climax, a suspicious Merlin seeks to unravel the truth before it’s too late. In the role of Tyr Seward is John Bradley, the latest member of the Game of Thrones cast to make an appearance in the fifth and final season of Merlin.

Even as a deceptively evil queen, Angel Coulby continues to bring new levels of regality to her portrayal of Gwen. “I think everything that has happened to Gwen has been working toward this point,” Coulby says. “People warned me, ‘You’re going to be quite different in this season.’ But actually, given her level of confidence, I think it matches me a bit more. I’ve always been more confident than Gwen, so it comes quite naturally for me to play Gwen this way.”

McGrath feels Gwen might just be better suited for the throne than Arthur. “Gwen is willing to make the tougher decisions,” says McGrath. “I think Arthur is a softer character - it’s ended up that he is good and kind and all of those things, but, ironically, Gwen would make the better ruler. She uses her wits to solve situations, sometimes tricking her prey. Arthur would probably never be that cunning.”

05.08 'The Hollow Queen'

John Shrapnel, a veteran film actor with credits ranging from epic films like 'Gladiator' and 'Troy' to the lighter 'Notting Hill' and '101 Dalmatians', guest stars this week on Merlin as the deceitful Sarrum, who falls into the web of deceit spun by Morgana (Katie McGrath) and the traitorous Gwen (Angel Coulby).

'The Hollow Queen' also offers very physical scenes of swordplay as Arthur and his men duel with Sarrum’s forces. The spotlight falls squarely on Bradley James, who has come a long way since first picking up a broadsword five years ago to play Arthur.

“I wouldn’t know how I would stand up in an actual sword fight, and I wouldn’t want to find out, either, but I’m better than the average bear,” James says with a knowing laugh. “It’s been a huge bonus of the job to do all the sword fighting, and there’s some stuff in Season Five that I’m very excited to see.

“The challenge for us this season was to give the audience something to catch their eye. As opposed to just a generic sword fight, we’ve had to go that next step. Season Four really kicked the action of the series into gear, so we knew in this final season we had to really take it up another notch.”

05.09 'With All My Heart'

In her fifth and final season playing Gwen, Angel Coulby said she was overjoyed when presented with the storyline, and was very excited to take her character in new, wicked directions. “It gave me a chance to do something different with a character I'd been playing for a long time - and it’s just so much fun being bad,” Coulby explains. “I'm not quite sure what this says about me, but I think there's something liberating about playing a villain. Plus, I got to try to kill Bradley - I mean Arthur.”

While Coulby and Katie McGrath have both said they’ll miss their long-running characters when Merlin ends, neither will be sorry they needn’t ever again return to Trefil, the South Wales village where the climactic scenes of 'With All My Heart' were filmed. Over the series’ five-year run, numerous episodes have featured the renowned limestone quarries of the South Wales village. Neither actress has many pleasant memories of the location.

“No matter what the weather is like anywhere else in the world, it’s always raining in Trefil,” Coulby recalls. “It’s always raining and cold, or it’s way too hot, and it’s very exposed.” Still, she says, “It looks fantastic on screen.”

McGrath concurs: “We were in Trefil a lot during the first seasons, then we stopped filming there - and the producers realized the high production quality of this unused quarry on the side of a mountain, so we returned. Sure, they’re sitting in an office in London with their tea, and we’re there on buses in minus-4 temperatures and hawks overhead waiting for us to die so they can feast on our bones. It was always a trial to film in Trefil.”

05.10 'The Kindness of Strangers'

In reprising the role of Alator, Gary Lewis continues the Merlin tradition of notable guest stars appearing throughout the series’ five seasons. The Scottish actor is best known to American audiences for his international breakthrough role as the father in 'Billy Elliot', and for memorable appearances in 'Gangs of New York', 'Eragon' and 'Goal! The Dream Begins'.

“Throughout the production, we’ve had some very particular actors in mind for many of these weighty roles, and we’ve been very lucky to almost always get the first actor we wanted,” says co-creator and executive producer Johnny Capps. “Sometimes even before we wrote the scripts, we contacted actors with just the storylines, and got positive reactions. So to be able to move forward knowing we had interest from James Callis or Charles Dance or Janet Montgomery has been quite a blessing.”

Over the series’ 65 episodes, there have been guest roles filled by such noteworthy actors as Callis (Battlestar Galactica), Montgomery (Entourage), Pauline Collins (Shirley Valentine), Frank Finlay (The Pianist, The Three Musketeers), Santiago Cabrera (Heroes), Colin Salmon (three James Bond films, Doctor Who), Clive Russell (Sherlock Holmes, Ripper Street), Josette Simon (Cry Freedom, Milk and Honey), Adam Godley (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), Terence Maynard (Reign of Fire), Sarah Parish (Doctor Who), Robert Maillet (Sherlock Holmes, 300), James Greene (Empire of the Sun), James Fox (The Remains of the Day), Donald Sumpter (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo), Melanie Hill (Stardust), David Schofield (Gladiator, Pirates of the Caribbean films), and John Shrapnel (Notting Hill).

Fans of HBO’s Game of Thrones have no doubt recognized several faces from Merlin, including Charles Dance, Joe Dempsie, John Bradley and Liam Cunningham. And a number of Harry Potter alums have populated Camelot over the course of Merlin’s five seasons, running the gamut from Harry Melling, Mark Williams and Warwick Davis to Gemma Jones, Miriam Margolyes, Ian Peck and Andy Linden.

“From the start, we had a huge list of actors we knew we’d love to work with,” adds Capps, “and we’ve had the privilege now to work with many of them. The guest cast has provided some extraordinary, truly brilliant performances that have helped elevate Merlin to another level.”

05.11 'The Drawing of the Dark'

After appearing in a few early seasons of Merlin as a young boy bound to Morgana and her dark magic, Mordred returned to the story in Season Five with both a new, loyal-to-Arthur resolve and a new actor playing the role: Alexander Vlahos.

“Mordred is a difficult problem for Merlin, because no matter how hard Mordred works to prove his loyalty to the king, Merlin knows what the future holds and the role Mordred is destined play,” says Colin Morgan, who plays Merlin.

“Mordred has become one of Arthur’s most trusted, able Knights, and a man of magic like Merlin,” Morgan explains. “So it’s difficult for Merlin to make decisions and act in the present on things that won’t happen until the future.”

The core Merlin cast welcomed newcomer Vlahos to the team quickly, and appreciated his dedication to preserving the groundwork of the first four seasons - and the foundation Asa Butterfield (Hugo) set down as the original actor portraying Mordred - while crafting a new story of his own.

“Alex is very clever,” says Katie McGrath, who plays Morgana. “He really did look at everything Asa had done and used that as a starting point to play Mordred. He was very conscious that Mordred is a very popular character, and he wanted to do him justice. But he has really taken that and made the character his own.”

05.12 'The Diamond of the Day (Part 1)'

Many members of the cast cited the final two episodes as their favorites of the epic, five-year, 65-episode series. Katie McGrath (Morgana) and Bradley James (King Arthur) were particularly vocal in praising the two-part finale for its action, humor and emotional impact - all traits that made the series extremely popular in more than 180 countries around the world.

“It’s such a privilege to tell the ending of a story,” McGrath explains. “A lot of times a series gets cancelled before it can finish, or it keeps going beyond where it should. Our producers/creators, Johnny (Capps) and Julian (Jones), always had a five-year plan, and we’re grateful to have been allowed them to tell the full story.”

McGrath continues, “It’s been such a pleasure playing Morgana from the beginning to end - it’s rare that you get to put a proper full stop on a character. Such great characters, such good stories. I know the fans will miss Merlin - I shall miss it, too”

James says his best memories of production were also on these episodes. “I think my best week on Merlin was filming the big battle for the finale,” he says. “We knew it had to be huge and great, and everyone stepped up their game. The attention to detail was a little bit higher in the way it was shot, and we got to spend an entire week concentrating on the battle.”

It was also a last chance for glory with the Knights of the Round Table, he adds. “It was fun to fight alongside the guys one last time - a lot of it was myself and Rupert (Young) fighting side-by-side, and that was great. It was important to put an emphasis on such an important, prominent part of this story within the series.”

Although the final moments of the series raised eyebrows among some fans when it aired in the U.K., James says Merlin has always been an unexpected retelling of the legend of a “once and future king.”

“I’m happy with the way it ends,” James says, “and I think it will live in people’s memories. Things haven’t fallen the way things you’d expect them to, and that applies to the end of the series, as well.”

05.13 'The Diamond of the Day - Part 2'

Just as fantasy formed the basis of all 65 episodes, Colin Morgan has been the series’ constant heart as its titular warlock. (Despite many erroneous reports, Merlin is actually not a wizard.) From his initial days as a naïve apprentice striving to understand and master his powers to the full-fledged greatest warlock to ever live, Merlin has grown before viewers’ eyes - as has Morgan in bringing the character to life.

“It’s been a great adventure, and I’ve learned so much,” Morgan says. “When we started, everything was new. It was my first real role, so everything seemed like a new experience: new lessons, new friends, new adventures. It wasn’t just Merlin coming into his own; I was growing up in front of the camera, too.”

There are a lot of parallels for the character and the show. As Merlin matured, so did the storylines. The darker, more adult stories went hand-in-hand with Merlin’s life lessons. No matter the peril, Merlin was the optimistic compass for the series. “Merlin is hope,” says Morgan. “He’s the optimist in the story, the believer that there is a positive destiny for Arthur and Camelot. He knows it in his heart, and nothing will change that belief. He knows they can overcome the impossible, and Merlin faces a lot of impossible situations. That stays true to the very end.”

And the end is what viewers around the globe have been discussing. The final scene of the series was met with great intrigue in its initial airing in the U.K., staying faithful to the Merlin tradition of unconventional telling in regard to the “once and future king” legend.

“There were surprises along the way” admits Morgan. “Our producers took a well-known, loved legend and told the story as they wanted to tell it, right down to the final shot of the final episode. They surprised me with that script - in a good way. It’s exactly the way it should be. I think the fans will treasure the ending.”

As producers/creators Johnny Capps and Julian Jones have stated, five was always the magic number of seasons for Merlin. “I really believe the show progressed quite naturally through its five years and really grew to a point where the fifth season was our best,” Morgan says. “It’s a very strong ending: powerful, emotional, fulfilling. I think fans will be very satisfied.”

merlin: series 5, merlin: 05.10, merlin: 05.09, merlin: 05.11, media: press release, actor: anthony head, actress: angel coulby, merlin: 05.13, actor: colin morgan, actor: rupert young, merlin: 05.06, actor: tom hopper, media: interview, merlin: 05.08, actor: alexander vlahos, merlin: 05.01, actor: richard wilson, merlin: 05.04, merlin: 05.12, actor: eoin macken, actor: bradley james, media: article, merlin: 05.02, actress: katie mcgrath, merlin: 05.03, actor: adetomiwa edun, merlin: 05.05, merlin: 05.07

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