Feb 05, 2006 12:43
Yesterday in numbers
Hours spent cleaning: 0
Pages of "Moab Is My Washpot" read: 180
Cups of coffee: 3
Glasses of wine: 5673
Pints of cider: 1 but god knows it was enough
Horribly sucky eurovision-related songs heard: 7
Horribly sucky non-eurovision-related songs heard: 10000
Horribly sucky songs sung and danced to with what would to most onlookers appear to be ecstatic happiness: 562
Time I went to bed: 4.30
This morning in numbers
Time I woke up: 9
Cups of coffee: 3
Thoughts along the lines of "I'll never drink again": 3
Journals created: 1
Hours spent watching MTV: 2
Hours spent doing anything even remotely useful: 0
The temperature outside: -25
Probablility of me going outside today: 0