The TV series has been licensed by Toei Animation and is being subbed on
Crunchyroll. Click
here for more information on Live-eviL's blog.
I guess this means I won't be uploading any new episodes. :( You can still download what I have upped
here (episodes 1-33, what Live-eviL managed to sub.) I also have most of the raw episodes, if anyone is interested. The raw torrent was taken off
Saiei due to licensing.
At this time, Crunchyroll has the first ten episodes available for everyone to view, and through episode 62 subtitled, though they are missing episode 59. If you want to see past episode 10, you have to pay for a membership. All episodes will eventually be "unlocked."
I'm kind of sad.. It would've been nice if they could have at least released it on DVD. \:
They also licensed Captain Harlock (1978) and the same restrictions on Crunchyroll apply.