Goodness, I am so, so sorry everyone for not posting this sooner. Life has taken me (and the others) by surprise and October was the month it chose to surpirse us in, but better now than never, right? So, nevertheless, here it is! Aiba's dream experiments of 24hr TV!! :D
Here we go again!
Parts 1-9(there is no Part 8):
PalmandgoParts 10 and 11:
rizells(at bottom of page)
Some awesome people to thank:
nyanchanEncoding: (me)
Neko-Friendly Also,
I'd like you to leave a comment when you download just so we know how
many people have downloaded, also, shoot nyanchan a message, thanks!
What you've all been waiting for...
24hrTV Part 13.001 24hrTV Part 13.002 24hrTV Part 13.003 **NOTE: Yes, I know it doesn't start where it originally left off, but that's due to corrupt raw files and is unfixable at this moment.**