Apr 29, 2008 10:27
things that suck:
-allergies ruining my drive to get things done during finals time.
-my throat hurting from allergies and making me sing like shit.
-also, allergies.
i don't even mind finals week. sure i get stressed and maybe grumpy, but its nothing that i can't handle. but when you pair that with allergies, i feel like the most annoying whiny person ever. and i feel like people hate me. and my self esteem gets incredibly low. and i feel like...that tegan and sara song. you know. "i feel like i wouldn't like me if i met me".
its like....i love to hate me! no. i'm kidding. how overly dramatic, kristin. BUT SEE THAT IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. NOBODY LIKES THAT. THEREFORE NOBODY LIKES IT WHEN I AM LIKE THIS.
as far as allergies go, my only is really just to suck it up. as soon as i get home, i'll be fine. and i can't go to an allergist there and take tests because there are different allergens there. what's the damn point? sdlkjflj
things that are making these last two weeks of school in allergy hell tolerable:
-SAtown soon. but even that has lost some of its luster. sigh.
-my last semester of 18 or more credits is almost over! hooray!
meh. now i have to decide how much i want to see rilo kiley this summer. it is less of actually wanting to see rilo kiley again (although i would like to see thao, who is opening) and more wanting an excuse to drive up to austin with libby and rosendo.
also. this past weekend i skipped spring fling for pete's dad's fiftieth, and it was totally worth it.
libby. are you still road tripping to new orleans with me? any other takers? anyone actually use LJ anymore? nope.