Mar 08, 2007 08:55
So I started on my surgery rotation. Can you say intimidating? It just doesnt feel right that they hand me a needle and suture (thread) and say "here, please close this abdominal wound that this patient has, even though this is on an 18 year old female's abdomen so if you screw up she will never EVER wear a decent bathing suit again and oh yeah the only things you have sewn before are a)buttons on a shirt and B) pigs feet" But other then that pretty much all I do is stand in place for 3+ hrs holding retacters and praying my cramping arms dont shake.
*points to self* NOT a budding surgeon.
(p.s I am in transplant surgery right now...double intimidating)
Which reminds me...I havent posted since pediatrics. Yeah, so I have decided that my lifes work will be dealing with snotty nosed kids...literally. Yup, I have decided to join the ranks of the ever happy and oh so poorly paid pediatricians. I really loved my rotatation, all the residents were nice and happy plus the hours are really good (for a doctor). I feel totally at peace with my choice and couldn't be happier about it. Which is great because I am FREAKING OUT about applying for residency and all the crap that is involved (you really dont want to know how much paperwork is involoved).
So many hours of intimiadating surgery + massive stress about the future + very little sleep (hrs for surgery are 6am-6pm not counting drive time or studying) = a cranky little jew.
anywho-I am about to get paged to go back to the OR. Hope all is well in the world of my LJ friends. *hugs* to all