Sep 22, 2006 12:33

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy One Web Day! Here is how you can make this day great!

Celebrate in and Improve the Online World
Email a friend you met online and ask them to celebrate this day by watching an internet video together, simultaneously from different computers.
Email or IM a friend you know from your daily (not online) life, informing them of OneWebDay.
Contribute to a wiki, such as Wikipedia or wikiHow. Collaborate with thousands of people around the world to build a free resource that millions of people read, write, and use.
Upload your latest photos to a photo site or blog and send them to your mom. She will thank you.
IM or email favorite bloggers, wiki editors, artists and webmasters to thank them for their contributions to the internet.
Gather friends and family for an 'online' block party. You could use IRC or other online chat, or even an email list. Talk about how you have shared in each other's lives online.
Write a blog entry about what the Internet means to you, including your favorite sites and a description of things you've done using the web that you wouldn't be able to do otherwise.
Make a donation to an organization that supports online culture and the Internet.
Research laws and pending legislature about the Internet that affect you on the local, state, and/or national level. Sign petitions online regarding legislation about the Internet.
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